
Game Idea new innovative title

Started by June 16, 2011 11:34 PM
8 comments, last by wildpins 13 years, 7 months ago
Hello forum members, i have a game that i want to share with you guys that i been thinking of for quite some time. I have no idea how i would go about presenting this or finding people willing to work on it with me, so anybody who likes my idea please contact me through PM.


Gauntlet is a third person fighting game with E-sport game play never been seen or done before on any console. Over the past 2 decades games have been over saturated with First person shooters, RPGS, Third person shooters, and sports games.The over saturation of these types of games have led to boring/stale game play especially when it comes to a brand new developing team.Huge companies have taken advantage of the market and have the revenue to put out the best game of its genre, eliminating 80% of the competition. In today's market I believe companies need to beinnovative in order to compete. Innovative games like Rock Band,League of legends, and Minecraft are great examples of how innovation can be a market success. The best part about these games is that they are done on a low budget but provide the basis for future growth.Without any competition these games are able to create what the standard is for that type of genre. Gauntlet is without a doubt an innovative game that would be able to provide a new genre in the pool of over saturated games.

So you are probably asking what is soinnovative about Gauntlet, there is 100 3[sup]rd[/sup] person gamesalready out there. Well the only thing Gauntlet does that compares toa 3[sup]rd[/sup] person game is the camera view. Gauntlet will be an Arena based multiplayer game with match sizes of 1v1 2v2 and 3v3 with3[sup]rd[/sup] person melee combat. Combat is what will make Gauntlet so innovative because never done before has 3[sup]rd[/sup] person combat used complicated battle systems such as street fighter, soul calibur, or tekken. During combat players will have high attacks, low attacks, mid attacks bound to the 1-4 keys, q, e, r ,f, g, z ,x, and c keys. Every single attack just like a fighting game can either be blocked, parried, or dodged with a unique defense system that will have low blocks, mid blocks, parrys, and rolls. This unique combat system will provide competitive gaming never seen before. So not only does Gauntlet provide the first arena combat game, it will also provides the first complicated 3[sup]rd[/sup] person melee system.Right now all the over saturated 3[sup]rd[/sup] person games are button mashers without a unique defensive system, or rpgs which doesn't require any twitch gameplay.

With the success of league of legends,a good business model is required for e-sports in this generation.Right now gamers are longing for a new competitive game to play,league of legends has over 1 million players subscribed to the gameand is a great example of a good business model. What Gaunlet willhave to do is provide a business model that allows for bi-weeklyfuture updates just like League of legends. These bi-weekly updateswill provide new content that will help fund new updates and provideincreased revenue. The system I came up with is to have a bunch ofcharacters in the game, each character will have 4 special moves andwill be released bi-weekly with each content update (skills will bebound to f1-f4 and provide extremely unique attacks). The games pricewill be 30 dollars retail and allow you to purchase 10 characterswhile future characters would cost 5 dollars. In order for an e-sportto be successful you need a lot of players playing the game so therewill be a free account which gives you 0 characters but allows u tochoose 5 different ones each day. Also players who spend a lot oftime playing the game will be rewarded with in-game cash to purchasecharacters as well. With constant revenue this game can easily bepatched and updated in order to satisfy gamers at a competitivelevel.

Budget and pricing is a huge decisionin whether its worth investing into a game or not. The great part about Gauntlet is that budget costs would be extremely low because each arena isn't sophisticated huge open maps. The amount it takes tocreate a well thought out fighting game on a console should be sufficient enough to make gauntlet. Environments are small compared to first person shooters, and there will be no npcs, dialog, or storytelling. The most important part would be to get as much trained animators as possible, because animation is the most important aspectof this games combat.

Combat System Detailed

Player movements would be bounded towsad

Guard would be bounded to Shift

regular attacks will be direction(wsad) + mouse click1 or 2

qerfgzxc1234 would all be specialattacks

f1-f4 would be player specific attacks

Every attack in the game will have amedium/low/or high attribute

Types of attacks

Medium attacks- attacks that willdamage a target who isn't blocking or a blocking crouch

Low attacks- attacks that will damage atarget who is blocking standing or not blocking at all

High attacks- Quick attacks that can bedodged/ducked under but interrupt medium attacks.

Every attack in the game will have amedium/low/or high attribute

Execution of special attacks

Special attacks can be performednumerous ways

Charge attack- some special attacks ucan hold down the key and it will charge up for a different effect

Queue attack- Queue attacks will put uin a stance and your next key that you hit will change your attackdepending on what button u choose.

Instant attack- hitting the button willautomatically perform an attack

Combo attack- everytime u hit the key uperform another combination of the move


Attacks can obtain special propertiesthat help in combat




guard break


Parry will be bound to shift+ mouse 1

Block middle would be Shift

Block low would be Shift + Ctrl

Roll would be CTRL + A or D
The second I saw the word "Gauntlet" surrounded by negative space I groaned...

Please do not make a sales pitch here. This is written like a pitch. Then it kinda devolves into a play manual.

I'll focus on your question; how do you make it happen?

Looking at the design my guess is that you don't have any relevant skills to designing or producing but games need to be funded. If you were able to raise money (hint: none here) you can pull a project together if you clearly understand what you're really trying to do.

But if you aren't really good at raising money and excitement (this is itself a valued position) than you are vestigial to the project.

Alternatively, you might try to learn game design and pull together an indie project. This is sorta what I'm doing; I'm about to start on my 7th game project and I'm still very much in the learning phase. You will not be making your magnum opus on your first round.

All that said, this belongs in the beginner's section and will surely be moved or closed. "I have an awesome, never been done before game idea" is something that comes up daily or something.
I'm not sure if you're just throwing out your game design or looking for help to turn your design into an actual game, if it's the latter you should have a look at the Help Wanted forum and read the FAQ.

Please do not make a sales pitch here. This is written like a pitch. Then it kinda devolves into a play manual.[/quote]
Why not? If he's trying to sell his idea, I think that's exactly what he/she should do (in the correct forum with the required template). The play manual part presents the game design fairly well in my opinion.
Fair enough.
Hello 9firebrand11, you wrote:

1. i have a game that i want to share with you guys
2. I have no idea how i would go about presenting this or finding people willing to work on it with me
3. Gauntlet
4. i have ... i want ... how i would...
5. What Gaunlet willhave... updateswill provide... pricewill be... therewill be ...
6. Budget... The amount it takes tocreate a well thought out fighting game on a console should be sufficient enough to make gauntlet.

1. If you want feedback and commentary on the game concept, this (the Game Design forum) is the right place for it!

2. "Presenting" a game sounds like a business topic (questions about how to pitch or submit to a publisher are to be asked in the Business forum). As for finding people, you have to use the Help Wanted forum, and you have to use the required Help Wanted template. The template forces you to think your endeavor through in a lot of detail. And it requires you to reveal your own role on the project. We get a LOT of "I'm the idea guy and I need artistic and programming help" type posts.

3. That title is not new or innovative. It's been taken, and you need to come up with a new title. You can learn about Trademark law easily on the Internet. Trademark and copyright questions are often asked in the Business forum.

4. When you write further documents related to your project (or anything else) you should always capitalize the word "I."

5. Two things about this:
a. There's something weird that happened when you either typed or pasted your post here -- a lot of spaces disappeared (often around the word "will"). Next time you post, you should proofread before clicking Post.
b. You should avoid the word "will." When you talk about design elements in the future tense, it cements the notion in the reader's mind that the game doesn't exist. But when you talk about design elements in present tense, a subtle but powerful sense occurs in the reader's mind that the game exists, a tantalizing sense that the game can be played (accompanied by a desire to play it soon).

6. Great, a mere $50 million or so ought to do it then! (^_^)

-- Tom Sloper --

You just described the typical boxing game.
As far as PC gaming goes, I prefer to use WSAD for movement. Your game has almost half the keyboard keys assigned to attacks - that would lead to a typicall player banging his head/foot/hand at that part of it, resulting in trully unique combat.

Movement would be made with the arrows I presume? So you made arrows + qwertyasdfg1234 + mouse? I'm afraid I do not have the required number of limbs to play this game.

I also have no idea what is so innovative in third person combat in arena style. Look at any given MMO out there - WoW, Perfect World, AO etc. All of them have areas, 3rd person and button mashing for attacks.

Anyway, please don't use big words like "innovative", "never seen before" and such. It provokes (for shame, at least me) finding counter examples and stripping those words of meaning, beating them to the ground. Be a bit humble when presenting an idea that you want done by someone else. On the other hand, being confident is a good thing and draws attention. Guess it's only me who is the troll then.

Disclaimer: Each my post is intended as an attempt of helping and/or brining some meaningfull insight to the topic at hand. Due to my nature, my good intentions will not always be plainly visible. I apologise in advance and assure I mean no harm and do not intend to insult anyone, unless stated otherwise

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Check my profile for funny D&D/WH FRP quotes :)

You just described the typical boxing game.

Look at any given MMO out there - WoW, Perfect World, AO etc. All of them have areas, 3rd person and button mashing for attacks.

Sounds to me like a combination of the good old WWF / WCW titles with soul calibur style moves in an RPG Setting.
I like the ring of it but there are a ton of possible problems to solve (latency vs. reaction time, fun factor and game controls / mechanics to name a few). This sort of game sounds like a project for an established game publisher / game development studio and getting your idea to them and getting it published...

You should definitely start reading the Sloperama FAQ!
You need to examine Bloodline Champions, it is 99.8% of what features you are presenting here.

Gameplay needs a bit more pve and roleplay to it. You need mini games, community social events, possibly stuff players can customize and create from resources other than their character looks. You can get into elaboration here, but don't except to sell sales with just pvp gameplay.
Failure is simply denying the truth and refusing to adapt for success. Failure is synthetic, invented by man to justify his laziness and lack of moral conduct. What truely lies within failure is neither primative or genetic. What failure is at the heart, is man's inability to rise and meet the challenge. Success is natural, only happening when man stops trying to imitate a synthetic or imaginable object. Once man starts acting outside his emotional standpoints, he will stop trying to imitate synthetic or imaginable objects called forth by the replication of his emptiness inside his mind. Man's mind is forever idle and therefore shall call forth through the primitives of such subconscious thoughts and behaviors that Success is unnatural and that failure is natural. Success is simply doing something at man's full natural abilities and power, failure is the inability to act on what man wants, dreams, wishes, invisions, or thinks himself to do. ~ RED (concluded when I was 5 years old looking at the world with wide eyes)

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