Game Design game thread
Well, I thought I would start another one, since we haven''t heard from Hamish McHaggis in some weeks.
If you don''t remember, the premise of the game is to define one element of a game at a time. The first poster defines one element, then suggests the next element, which the second poster defines. The second post suggests the next element, and so forth...
I am going to say that the game is an adventure game that takes place in an interplanetary society, and I (the player) am lost in it, with ooo.. Space Amnesia! (it''s contagious!).
Next: Viewpoint and art!
...out of the mouths of babes...comes half-digested strained veggies...
Guess nobody wants to play
...momma had a baby and her head popped off...
Guess nobody wants to play

...momma had a baby and her head popped off...
Yeah, the people suck right now. In the writing forum, I started a forum game and noone even responded! Well, here goes another one:
The orange sky turned completely gray, and innocent people, likewise, turned grey. It was night time, it was thier time to change. The change would take a half hour or so, but the town always benefits from its stone form. They can feel sure that even if they are attacked, they will wake up unharmed in the morning.
They always had to believe this, it was like how the humans before them believed in god because they were too scared to die. They had to believe that they were protected from harm. The only difference between thier stone change and the people before them was that the stone change was real, and god was not.
This stone change would last all night, until the sun was shining the most it possibly could that day, and would turn to stone as soon as the sun started to go down again.
They were the Stone Heart Clan, the most feared clans of the 5 remaining in the world. No other clan had special abbilities, or any extra degree of safety, besides Clan Dirtground, who had the ability to live deep in the ground.
The Stone Heart Clan would sleep well tonight, they always do, and usually so do the other clans. But only the Stone Hearts would tonight, only the Stone Hearts...
(continue someone?)
"I''ve sparred with creatures from the nine hells themselves... I barely plan on breaking a sweat here, today."~Drizzt Do''Urden
The orange sky turned completely gray, and innocent people, likewise, turned grey. It was night time, it was thier time to change. The change would take a half hour or so, but the town always benefits from its stone form. They can feel sure that even if they are attacked, they will wake up unharmed in the morning.
They always had to believe this, it was like how the humans before them believed in god because they were too scared to die. They had to believe that they were protected from harm. The only difference between thier stone change and the people before them was that the stone change was real, and god was not.
This stone change would last all night, until the sun was shining the most it possibly could that day, and would turn to stone as soon as the sun started to go down again.
They were the Stone Heart Clan, the most feared clans of the 5 remaining in the world. No other clan had special abbilities, or any extra degree of safety, besides Clan Dirtground, who had the ability to live deep in the ground.
The Stone Heart Clan would sleep well tonight, they always do, and usually so do the other clans. But only the Stone Hearts would tonight, only the Stone Hearts...
(continue someone?)
"I''ve sparred with creatures from the nine hells themselves... I barely plan on breaking a sweat here, today."~Drizzt Do''Urden
------------------------------Put THAT in your smoke and pipe it
All movement slowed, no one person moving faster than slow walk but before these people could turn in for their night of slumber a slow moving man turned his head to stare at you, in the day you fit in fine but at night any one not of the clan can be easily spotted, he makes a lunge but he completly stops before he strikes. Your safe for now but in the mourning he''ll tell others and think your a spie from another clan you need to move and fast you pick a random direction and run pherhaps you can get far enough away by morning or even better find some allies in this starnge world....
Original post by WarMage
Guess nobody wants to play
I think many people are bummed right now.
(For the record, I tried, but I suck at these things!

Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
well, yeah, so I thought I might try to key an imagination or two even out of sheer boredom... you never know when a good idea will come to you so I figure it''s good to at least try and keep it flowing.
...da doo doo doo, da dah dah dah...
...da doo doo doo, da dah dah dah...
but then he woke up.
he was in the middle of a white desert.
there was no sun, no hills...nohing.
(c) 1982 Sinclair Research Ltd, 0:1
he was in the middle of a white desert.
there was no sun, no hills...nohing.
(c) 1982 Sinclair Research Ltd, 0:1
(c) 1982 Sinclair Research Ltd, 0:1
Enormous dunes pushed up by unrelenting wind reflected the brightness of the sand and salt from all sides. It felt hot - as tough he were at the focus of a great lens. He looked down and saw that he was knee deep in the sand, the smooth coarse granules weighing him in place. He bent over and began to work his feet free while the wind kicked acrid tufts of superfine stone into his face.
Digging with his hands, the sand and wind a constant force trying to impede his progess, he finally pulled one foot free to find it covered in a grayish sooty sort of stuff. He recognized that it is not sand by which he is surrounded. He realized that much more than a single night has passed.
...mmmm forensic decomposition...
Edited by - WarMage on September 20, 2001 3:08:34 PM
Digging with his hands, the sand and wind a constant force trying to impede his progess, he finally pulled one foot free to find it covered in a grayish sooty sort of stuff. He recognized that it is not sand by which he is surrounded. He realized that much more than a single night has passed.
...mmmm forensic decomposition...
Edited by - WarMage on September 20, 2001 3:08:34 PM
then the ground transformed into a mirror, a giant mirror. He looked at himself but it was not him.
he was scared.
(c) 1982 Sinclair Research Ltd, 0:1
he was scared.
(c) 1982 Sinclair Research Ltd, 0:1
(c) 1982 Sinclair Research Ltd, 0:1
All he could see in the mirror was the lurking form of the Zharvaglian Imperial Enforcement Cruiser from the planet Zhargle, hovering manacingly above him. He saw its fearsome Transmuter ray realign itself to point directly at him. He dived for cover as it fired again, transforming a nearby cactus into three penguins and a bag full of mouldy potatoes.
"What do you want from me?" he cried, as the weapon fired a third time....
Edited by - Sandman on September 21, 2001 2:09:42 PM
"What do you want from me?" he cried, as the weapon fired a third time....
Edited by - Sandman on September 21, 2001 2:09:42 PM
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