
columns source code

Started by January 06, 2000 01:44 AM
2 comments, last by skitzo_smurf 25 years, 2 months ago
hi, im writing a clone of columns. I almost have things working now, but id like to compare my code to someone else''s. Does anyone know where I can download something like columns?(not tetris, as im only interested in how the stage is searched for chains of the same tile) Thanks, skitzo_smurf
"Innocent is just a nice way to say ignorant, and stupidity is ignorance with its clothes off."words of,skitzo_smurf
Just a thought - something recursive might do it nicely I believe.

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thanks, I appreciate the help.

"Innocent is just a nice way to say ignorant, and stupidity is ignorance with its clothes off."words of,skitzo_smurf

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