
Television Shows & Game Engines

Started by May 31, 2011 06:24 PM
2 comments, last by FableFox 13 years, 3 months ago

From what i can tell this is a fortunate & friendly community! Please excuse my somewhat lack of knowledge in the game area. Though I hope I managed to place this in a suitable sub-forum. I'll cut to the chase.

I'm looking into the potential platforms for creating an animated Childrens Show here in the British Isles.

Instead of going down the 'Today' anime route, or vast CGI based programs available. I'm quite interested if there's any possibility of utilizing a game engine to create such an end product. Does anyone think it's viable?

The basic concept is a Kid's show about a Cheeky little Seagull (polite version!) named Henry*.

It would involve creating a 3D world, consisting of a sea-side village. Lighthouses, pubs, internals - great sea-rendering & graphic capabilities.
I remember playing around with Battlefield 2 sometime, and the 'Pirates' mod for it. Enjoyed creating maps & flying through them in 3D.

Bit of a long shot, but what's the communities feel?

Many thanks,



From what i can tell this is a fortunate & friendly community! Please excuse my somewhat lack of knowledge in the game area. Though I hope I managed to place this in a suitable sub-forum. I'll cut to the chase.

I'm looking into the potential platforms for creating an animated Childrens Show here in the British Isles.

Instead of going down the 'Today' anime route, or vast CGI based programs available. I'm quite interested if there's any possibility of utilizing a game engine to create such an end product. Does anyone think it's viable?

The basic concept is a Kid's show about a Cheeky little Seagull (polite version!) named Henry*.

It would involve creating a 3D world, consisting of a sea-side village. Lighthouses, pubs, internals - great sea-rendering & graphic capabilities.
I remember playing around with Battlefield 2 sometime, and the 'Pirates' mod for it. Enjoyed creating maps & flying through them in 3D.

Bit of a long shot, but what's the communities feel?

Many thanks,


You want to use a game engine to create an animated video? It's not a good idea unless you are doing it as a gag (ie Red vs Blue). This is much easier in an animation studio.
It's certainly possible with something like the UDK. The UDK has a feature in place specifically for cinematics. That isn't to say it is a good idea to try and make a TV show with it though. Perhaps it'd be a great way for a writer to create a small video to show to networks but for actual production it's just a bad idea.
if you want real time quick result, you might want to try moviestorm or iclone. if you own 3d max, the better. this is due to some plug-in and character creation are best (and can only be made) using 3d max.

or if you a well developed company with awesome history and portfolio, call crytex and ask about cryengine for cinema. we mere mortals can only wait for october release. for that one it's best to own Maya though, from the video i saw. unless they have the same plug-in for max too.

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