
The United States Prison Industrial Complex.

Started by May 31, 2011 02:02 PM
77 comments, last by d000hg 13 years, 3 months ago

[quote name='forsandifs' timestamp='1306877607' post='4818039']
[quote name='Jacob Jingle' timestamp='1306877344' post='4818036']Are America's prisons filled with shoplifters? I don't know the real number, but I would imagine the number of nonviolent offenders that are locked up would be a really small majority(and most of them probably have a history of past violence).

Extremely biased and doesn't really give us the whole story. (Just because somebody is locked up for a nonviolent crime doesn't mean they're not a violent person. After all, AL Capone went to jail for tax evasion)

Isn't it something like 96% of criminals plea bargain their cases to lesser offenses?

Do these numbers from this wiki article factor this in? Does it factor in things like eyewitnesses refusing to press charges(common poor neighborhoods) and the courts being forced to go with lesser convictions? Do these numbers factor in a past history of violence? What does it classify as a nonviolent crime? (The author of that wiki article was clearly trying to spoon feed selective data to readers so that they would convert to his way of thinking)

Jacob Jingle

I think that you are forgetting to take into account how the justice system is supposed to work.

First, a comment that suggests that people in prison are probably violent offenders because they're in prison is circular and biased. It's unreasonable to assume that a given person is violent based on the fact that they are in prison even though it wasn't a violent crime that put them there. There are plenty of con artists in jail who aren't also armed robbers. Besides, being a violent person isn't the same as being a criminal. Jails are for criminals, not just whoever happens to have X trait.

The justice system sends people to jail if they are guilty, or if a jury of their peers thinks that they are guilty based on a presentation of the evidence. The fact that a person perhaps can't (or simply isn't) convicted of one crime doesn't mean that they should be sent to jail for a proxy crime, and then punished as though they were in fact convicted of the first (unproven) crime. The standard is supposed to be high to prevent innocent people from being imprisoned.

Your guess of how many cases result in the defendant pleading to a lesser charge is irrelevant, both to prison population composition and in general. Pleas don't so much change the nature of the charges as they change the degree. You might go from first degree murder to third, perhaps. You're still classified as a violent offender. A DA might drop a violent charge altogether, but not for no reason; it's either because the case is relatively weak or the defendant has something to trade which will result in reducing crime further. A 35% sentence reduction isn't the same as a murderer suddenly being classified as a non-violent offender.

As for your questioning of the numbers, I have to point out that incarceration rates have increased the most (as per Hodgman's excellent graph) while the violent crime rate has decreased. Make of that correlation what you will, but the proportion of violent offenders in jail is definitely going to decrease if more people than ever before are jailed while violent crime rates fall. Any hard-line fantasies of a justice system hiding violence through re-definition doesn't hold up-- there just isn't any other way for those numbers to go together. Please note that the crime rate is independent of the conviction rate for those crimes.

Also, wikipedia makes it incredibly easy to figure out what its information does and does not take into account. The citations are right there, awaiting your review. Don't impugn the article because you assume that the data is misused while you don't bother to look at it. Especially when you're accusing the author(s) of being deceitful in presenting selected evidence when you yourself provide no evidence at all, but rather prejudice and conjecture to accomplish the same end as you attribute to the accused.


Selective Quote

~Too Late - Too Soon~

[quote name='ChurchSkiz' timestamp='1306852471' post='4817883']
If you don't want to go to prison, don't break the law. What a concept...

1 in 100 citizens of the United States being in prison doesn't bother you? Doesn't such a large proportion strongly suggest that US laws are too harsh and are not a good solution to the social ills the country suffers from? What happened to liberty? What happened to the idea that the United States is a country that values freedom?

The thing that bothers me is the number of people in this thread getting 'Thumbed Down' for implying that this is the prisoners fault, and not the law.

The law is there, it's an absolute, and it's designed to protect those values of freedom and liberty.

Criminal behaviour is not an absolute, not a constant. It is someone's choice to commit a crime, and they should be punished accordingly. Being sent to prison to 25 years for being stupid enough to be caught shoplifting etc, three times would be a fantastic deterrent.
Being sent to prison to 25 years for being stupid enough to be caught shoplifting etc, three times would be a fantastic deterrent.[/quote]

Would be? That's actually what happens. And apparently its not a fantastic deterrent because 1% (and rising) of your population is in jail!

The double thinking and blinkering people employ to justify their standpoints, no matter how misguided, never ceases to appall me.

Being sent to prison to 25 years for being stupid enough to be caught shoplifting etc, three times would be a fantastic deterrent.

Would be? That's actually what happens. And apparently its not a fantastic deterrent because 1% (and rising) of your population is in jail!

The double thinking people employ to justify their standpoints, no matter how ridiculous, never ceases to amaze me.

Let me rephrase:

Would be an better deterrent.

Ok, let me ask you this: Are you a law-abiding citizen?

Let me rephrase:

Would be an better deterrent.

Ok, let me ask you this: Are you a law-abiding citizen?

No offense but I think I actually heard your brain collapsing there.
The thing that bothers me is the number of people in this thread getting 'Thumbed Down' for implying that this is the prisoners fault, and not the law.
Is anyone implying that in general it's not the prisoners fault?

Let's assume that every prisoner in jail is there because they're a bad person and they deserve it. Working from that basis, how do we come to terms with the fact that 1 in 4 prisoners worldwide, are in American prisons?
If we stick to our first assumption, there must be something in America that incites more people to commit crimes then, right?
If we break the first assumption (some prisoners don't belong there), then we can shift some of that blame onto an overzealous legal system.

The correct answer to why 1 in 4 prisoners are in American jails is probably a mixture of the two -- something causing above average crime, and something causing above average incarceration rates.
Do you have any thoughts on what those "something"s are? What makes America special as to have such an above average number of prisoners (overwhelmingly above average compared to other western states)?

Being sent to prison to 25 years for being stupid enough to be caught shoplifting etc, three times would be a fantastic deterrent.[/quote]The only way to measure that is to see if shoplifting ceases.
Meanwhile, how many lives are you willing to destroy (locking someone away for 25 years is comparable to ending a life) to try that idea out and see if it works? (hint: it doesn't)
What if there are mitigating circumstances, such as when the shoplifter is the child of a addict and consequently have no food, so they steal to eat?
What makes America special as to have such an above average number of prisoners (overwhelmingly above average compared to other western states)?

EDIT: While that is correct I feel I must add to that.

The percentage of population incarcerated is also overwhelmingly above average compared to any country in the world and any country in history.

What if there are mitigating circumstances, such as when the shoplifter is the child of a addict and consequently have no food, so they steal to eat?

Without sounding like a complete and utter idealist - that's what a welfare system is for.
The only way to measure that is to see if shoplifting ceases.
Meanwhile, how many lives are you willing to destroy (locking someone away for 25 years is comparable to ending a life) to try that idea out and see if it works? (hint: it doesn't)
What if there was mitigating circumstances, like they're the child of a addict and consequently have no food, so they steal to eat?

Who is really destroying the life though? In the end there is only one person at fault.

there is a moral grey area with your example, but does being in a moral grey area excuse you from the law? If you're a starving child of an addict you can always be reported to child protective services instead of turning to robbery.

there is a moral grey area with your example, but does being in a moral grey area excuse you from the law? If you're a starving child of an addict you can always be reported to child protective services instead of turning to robbery.

Some people just don't know...

The justice system should do more to differentiate those that are just hopeless criminals and those that simply made a mistake or need some guidance.
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