
So much for the end of days...

Started by May 21, 2011 10:11 PM
46 comments, last by owl 13 years, 8 months ago
Harold camping seems to have got it wrong.... again....

So much for the second coming of christ this evening.

America seems to have more than their fair share of these crazy idiots. How can such a developed nation have these backward people? (And I mean no offense to americans, I know most of you are perfectly normal). It seems strange that there are still people in such a developed country that can believe wholeheartedly that Jesus christ was going to prance down from heaven this evening and pull his believers up to heaven.


So much for the second coming of christ this evening.

End of the world was fun the first 3 times. Now it lost its appeal.

Harold camping seems to have got it wrong.... again....

So much for the second coming of christ this evening.

America seems to have more than their fair share of these crazy idiots. How can such a developed nation have these backward people? (And I mean no offense to americans, I know most of you are perfectly normal). It seems strange that there are still people in such a developed country that can believe wholeheartedly that Jesus christ was going to prance down from heaven this evening and pull his believers up to heaven.


I thought I was an atheist, but after hearing about that, I was genuinly terrified - what if the world did "end" today? It was a horrific thought.
Granted, I'm glad it didn't.

Saving the world, one semi-colon at a time.

Seriously? You were worried about that? dude... do you also hide in the house just in case you get hit by a bus? or incase someone decides to beat you up in the street? or 1001 other things which are a hell of a lot more likely than some random old guy in the US knowing that the end for the end of the world was going to be caused on this day by some human invention to explain acts of nature...
If you read more in to the prediction its just that the true believers would get called up to heaven today. The rest of us unsaved heathens will have to deal with all the assorted disasters of the Rapture until October when the Earth gets destroyed. Which leaves a convenient out for Camping as know he can just claim he is one of the unsaved and continue to preach the end of the world. I'm not really big on religion nor am I well versed in its history but I do think the idea of Rapture is more of modern idea and not specifically stated in the Bible other then Jesus would return some day. Of which nobody knows that date so to make claims about it is generally pretty stupid.

Read a story that some guy used his entire life savings of $100k to put up a bunch of signs in the NYC area about today. Sure he feels pretty stupid now. The whole idea of a 'rolling' Rapture seems fairly dumb too.
I tried to access the family radio website to see what he had to say for himself, but it seems to be down or the server is overloaded.

I heard reports that some of his followers actually put down their pets in anticipation of their ascension, as they didn't want to leave them behind in the suffering that was to follow. Sad really.
I would hope that after the man you follow has failed twice in his predictions, you'd stop following him and start thinking for yourself.

I thought I was an atheist, but after hearing about that, I was genuinly terrified - what if the world did "end" today? It was a horrific thought.
Granted, I'm glad it didn't.

Seriously? Get a grip.

Everything is better with Metal.

[quote name='MajorTom' timestamp='1306016792' post='4813992']
I thought I was an atheist, but after hearing about that, I was genuinly terrified - what if the world did "end" today? It was a horrific thought.
Granted, I'm glad it didn't.

Seriously? Get a grip.

Lets say for example, a large asteroid hits the moon, displaces it's orbit, and it collides with earth. Isn't that a horrific thought?
This doesn't specifically have anything to do with said "rapture", just a devastating event on a global scale which would destroy everything.
Earth's been through some pretty tough events.

Saving the world, one semi-colon at a time.

Lets say for example, a large asteroid hits the moon, displaces it's orbit, and it collides with earth. Isn't that a horrific thought?

Could be worse.

Michael Bay could make a movie out of it.

But no, it's not. At least the world goes out with a bang.

You know what's horrible? Breaking your neck and spending the rest of your life being unable to move, plugged into machines, yelling every day for someone to just kill you, with nurses smiling politely while they change your diaper bags and feed you another batch of sedatives and rewrap your rotting sores that are starting to develop gangrene.

That's horror.

This doesn't specifically have anything to do with said "rapture", just a devastating event on a global scale which would destroy everything.[/quote]

Yes, it would.

You, however, will die of:
- Heart failure (70%)
- Household accident (66%)
- Cancer (60%)
- Traffic accident (20%)
- Murder (0.08%)
- Airplane crash (0.003%)
- Terrorist attack (1e-11%)
- Apocalypse (1e-26%)

The reason you have opportunity to worry about things like that is proof of how safe our lives are. Less than a hundred years ago, majority of population didn't plan on living beyond 40, so they made sure their children were set up for work by age 14 so they wouldn't starve.
Why is the rest of the world obsessed with labeling things American. America is one of the most diverse nations and still people label us in a negative light. It must because most of whats on tv is American but I dont know how many times ive seen the phrase "stupid American"

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