
Laptop Died - A New Day

Started by May 19, 2011 08:06 PM
1 comment, last by Sirisian 13 years, 4 months ago
This is the first time I don't have my own computer in about 10 years.. I'm 23 now

I spend way too much time on my laptop. And most recently, I've been using my personal laptop for work. After weeks of work there was a project due early this week that on this passing weekend I was suppose to send my project to someone. Unfortunely, on Saturday morning my computer never got past the BIOS screen!

I lost all my work because my project (in a VM image) was in standby mode! What the luck!

Anyway for most of us life can become very different if you get rid of your computer for a few weeks! Maybe its the fact that the new Dell's takes 4 weeks to ship!

I'm so lost.. Okay, I'm gonna get back outside now. Do you think your lifestyle would change much without a computer or video game console?
Since I work from home on my PC and do side-projects for fun, yes! However at last count I have 2 desktops & 4 laptops (1 a mac) so I'm probably going to be OK.
I know how you feel. The HDMI out in my new laptop stopped working randomly (I use it with my TV a lot to watch movies). I'll be sending it in and have been told that I'll probably be without it for 7 days. *shiver* I can't go back to my old laptop. My new laptop has the fastest laptop processor and video card and 16 GB of ram and a SSD. I can't touch my old Dell laptop. It's below me now. <_<

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