
mid-brain activation

Started by May 05, 2011 11:55 AM
10 comments, last by Bow_vernon 13 years, 4 months ago
Hi do you know about mid-brain activation? it was kinda hot issue here. They said it could balance the left and right brain so as to make the kid genious(wha?) and interestingly, those (activated)kids could see things blindfolded. Cool, but does anyone know the other side of the story?
Scam much?
Sounds like bs to me...
BTW, if you believe in this, go pay the fee to learn the technique, then go and claim your $1m prize money for having supernatural powers afterwards.
hmm but they said it could be taught to kids below 15 hmm...actually Im a lil bit skeptic about it as well, until one of my psychologist friend came and tell me about this. Hmm this sounds suspicious though, you gotta pay $300/2days training. Thats very expensive for most people here =.=a
But once you've paid your $300 to get a magic kid, you can use them to go win the $1m prize I linked to!
Sorry double post, since it started in japan and spread thru asian country, May I ask if you could find similar organization (the one here is called GMC aka Genius Mind blahblah I forgot) in your country? particularly europe and america? wonder if theyve arrived there...
Don't fuck with your brain pal, it ain't worth it![/quote]
The trick comes from a fraudster named Vyacheslav M. Bronnikov. These recent Asian groups are running with an old scam.

Lol @ the idea that increasing brain activity lets you see things blindfolded.

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