
Zombie MMO Flash Ideas

Started by May 03, 2011 05:47 AM
12 comments, last by Tom Sloper 13 years, 8 months ago
If you choose Unity 3D and Photon combination you can write in C#, which is fairly easy and fast to learn. 3D modeling is awesome, it's easy to start, and even easier to get addicted to. Search Blender on Google, and start learning. To think that stuff gives you a headache that could potentially rob you of your goal or dream is foolish. Working for someone 20 hours a week for $8.00 an hour, to be robbed of 35% of it in taxes, and to be telling myself I simply can't afford some coffee because I'm too poor is a ultra headache. Choose now, before it's too late.
Failure is simply denying the truth and refusing to adapt for success. Failure is synthetic, invented by man to justify his laziness and lack of moral conduct. What truely lies within failure is neither primative or genetic. What failure is at the heart, is man's inability to rise and meet the challenge. Success is natural, only happening when man stops trying to imitate a synthetic or imaginable object. Once man starts acting outside his emotional standpoints, he will stop trying to imitate synthetic or imaginable objects called forth by the replication of his emptiness inside his mind. Man's mind is forever idle and therefore shall call forth through the primitives of such subconscious thoughts and behaviors that Success is unnatural and that failure is natural. Success is simply doing something at man's full natural abilities and power, failure is the inability to act on what man wants, dreams, wishes, invisions, or thinks himself to do. ~ RED (concluded when I was 5 years old looking at the world with wide eyes)

If you choose Unity 3D and Photon combination you can write in C#, which is fairly easy and fast to learn. 3D modeling is awesome, it's easy to start, and even easier to get addicted to. Search Blender on Google, and start learning. To think that stuff gives you a headache that could potentially rob you of your goal or dream is foolish. Working for someone 20 hours a week for $8.00 an hour, to be robbed of 35% of it in taxes, and to be telling myself I simply can't afford some coffee because I'm too poor is a ultra headache. Choose now, before it's too late.

Dude, That is soo deep. Your like the real yoda no joke.
Well a better question would be where and what time frame as well as what scope does the game include.

If your going to have weapons like a plasma gun or anything wierd, where did they get it?
Does it tie into the story?
How about a flame thrower?
What time frame are we talking about?
You could throw something together to talk about aliens, and everything is just becoming a host?
Maybe a metorite?
Maybe a terrorist attack on water population started to convert things to undead and give people rabies. Your lone survivors drank from wells thus unaffected.
[s]Maybe the goverment is working on creating super soldiers...wait been done
[/s]How about the cure for AIDS, during the reinvention of trying to cure AIDS it caused a new hormone to be developed which than infects players.
Maybe you could spin off that people eating the Ecoli outbreak were contaminated.
The volcanoes erputed throwing ash into the air with bacteria causing a madcow like sensation.
The heat from the sun is causing peoples brain to boil....

you could do alot of things, but square one is figuring out the basis of where your story starts and how your guys got there. It is easier to backlog and make lore of a game than it is to write the future of it. One of the main things in game is if you have a convincing why you are here, and what your goal is, its easy to write history leading up to it especially if players believe the current time frame.
I usually just give my 2 cents, but since most of the people I meet are stubborn I give a 1$ so my advice isn't lost via exchange rate.

The technical discussion does not belong here in Writing. OP should have made this two separate threads.

-- Tom Sloper --

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