
Antihydrogen Trapped For 1000 Seconds

Started by May 02, 2011 07:04 PM
95 comments, last by Eelco 13 years, 4 months ago
Holy Crap! Was Einstein your grandfather or something? You're taking WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much offense over theory.

Beginner in Game Development?  Read here. And read here.


[... a sensible objection to my behaviour ...]

It's primarily about child prostitution man. As you know, I was raped for years as a child, and I have also personally witnessed many child prostitutes wobbly in the legs because they're hammered on Listerine. It's no joke man that this country is fucked up, and Lee Smolin & Peter Woit's lies are very much to blame for the government's money being squandered on the Perimeter Institute rather than being put toward actual social progress.

Even then, when I worked as a Level 9 public servant programmer for the Government of Saskatchewan, nearly half of my $4800/month pay was deducted as federal taxes & employment insurance. That in and of itself gives me the right to take all of this very personally, because that money was effectively put right into Lee Smolin's pocket. Given this, it should be no shock to anyone that my career switch to garbageman is entirely an act of civil disobedience -- I pay peanuts in terms of federal tax now.

Plus I vehemently hate liars.

Nothing is going backwards in time, it's just a mathematical "trick". Mathematics also allows for negative mass, negative energy density and a bunch of other properties which have never been observed so far.

Yes I agree. You have a very insightful post my friend.

[quote name='Alpha_ProgDes' timestamp='1304521648' post='4806434']
[... a sensible objection to my behaviour ...]

It's primarily about child prostitution man. As you know, I was raped for years as a child, and I have also personally witnessed many child prostitutes wobbly in the legs because they're hammered on Listerine. It's no joke man that this country is fucked up, and Lee Smolin & Peter Woit's lies are very much to blame for the government's money being squandered on the Perimeter Institute rather than being put toward actual social progress.

Even then, when I worked as a Level 9 public servant programmer for the Government of Saskatchewan, nearly half of my $4800/month pay was deducted as federal taxes & employment insurance. That in and of itself gives me the right to take all of this very personally, because that money was effectively put right into Lee Smolin's pocket. Given this, it should be no shock to anyone that my career switch to garbageman is nothing but an act of civil disobedience -- I pay peanuts in terms of federal tax now.

Plus I vehemently hate liars.

Yes I agree. You have a very insightful post my friend.
ROFLMAOBBQ spambot, you are not my friend, but thanks for agreeing anyway.

ROFLMAOBBQ spambot, you are not my friend, but thanks for agreeing anyway.

How am I a spambot for agreeing that some people have insightful posts?

Get off my nutz TRICK!

ROFLMAOBBQ spambot, you are not my friend, but thanks for agreeing anyway.

What's going on there? It's like day three! You're gonna die! :)
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.

[quote name='taby' timestamp='1304524075' post='4806456']
ROFLMAOBBQ spambot, you are not my friend, but thanks for agreeing anyway.

How am I a spambot for agreeing that some people have insightful posts?

Get off my nutz TRICK!
"Trick"? Really? That's so 90s.

So is the "moving backwards in time" just a misconception? If I was looking at a bunch of Hydrogen molecules and anti-Hydrogen molecules, I would be seeing the same behavior? Them spinning in opposite directions. One red, one blue? How far down in the quantum level do I have to be to see/observe and significant difference?

Beginner in Game Development?  Read here. And read here.


So is the "moving backwards in time" just a misconception? If I was looking at a bunch of Hydrogen molecules and anti-Hydrogen molecules, I would be seeing the same behavior? Them spinning in opposite directions. One red, one blue? How far down in the quantum level do I have to be to see/observe and significant difference?

I'm not a time expert (not that there was any danger of anyone mistaking me for one), but would it even be possible to observe something that actually went backwards in time? We are moving through time linearly and consistently in a single "direction", for lack of a better word. How could we actually observe something that has negative duration?

Maybe my understanding of time is too fundamental/flawed to approach this, or "duration" too subjective a concept to be applied to this sort of thing. But all of our clocks go forwards. To measure something with an actually inverted relationship to time (compared to us), wouldn't we need to be measuring it before the experiment began? This leads me to accept Human Resource's explanation about it being a mathematical convention. Unless time can be evaluated seperately from our perception of it (duration), I guess... I'm out of my depth.


Selective Quote

~Too Late - Too Soon~

[quote name='taby' timestamp='1304524075' post='4806456']
ROFLMAOBBQ spambot, you are not my friend, but thanks for agreeing anyway.

How am I a spambot for agreeing that some people have insightful posts?

Get off my nutz TRICK!

Get a clue fuckhead. I'm utterly precog, and I knew 4 hours in advance that you'd be starting a racist spambot bullshit thread. I am not friends with racists, period.

You should check out the paper Feeling the Future. It's scientific proof by the Professor Emeritus of Cornell University that precognition most certainly exists. Tears of pure joy and relief streamed down my face the day this paper was released to the public, finally having hard proof that I wasn't utterly and entirely alone in this Universe.

Admit it -- being able to sense peoples' intentions ahead of time doesn't make me insane, just progressive and smart. Why do you think I'm so good at predator-prey systems like these discussion boards? I know what the prey is going to do long before even the prey itself knows. I mean, how do you think I knew precisely when to publish my two final vixra papers, and precisely what information to publish in them (and not to publish in them)? The timing is a little curious, don't you agree?

For those of you who know me, you know full-well that I am always deadly serious about science. I'm not fucking around here, and I apologize ahead of time if you feel unsettled by this information, but the truth is the truth is the truth, etc. It took me decades to stop being scared of this and learn to control it, so I won't blame you if you are a little bit scared.

That said, I'm done here on I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable on purpose by hanging around. I'll be chillin in the forest, like I usually do in order to avoid other humans. It's been fun, and I thank you all for helping me learn a lot about math and physics and programming.

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