
Antihydrogen Trapped For 1000 Seconds

Started by May 02, 2011 07:04 PM
95 comments, last by Eelco 13 years, 4 months ago
That's fair enough, but your lack of knowledge and posturing as some kind of knowledgeable person is very insulting, and actually hurts people.


you're a liar who will repeatedly change his story and say anything to cover his own ass.

That's ironic too, and false. Despite your most aggressive efforts you have not managed to debunk my original statement that scientists have not been able to unify the 4 forces or my later statement that superstring theory is a dubious candidate to do so.

I may have been mistaken on two particulars of a dubious, quickly changing, unfinished, and unproven theory, which isn't even certain of its own fundamental particulars, and which I have not done more than skim the surface of (because it doesn't particularly attract my attention), but you have shown yourself to be a self admitted crackpot whose whole approach to science is actually based on ignorance, posturing, and insulting people and trying to damage their reputation.

In this disucssion you have been analogous to a baffling, pie throwing clown with poor eyesight and slow reflexes. And ironically, again, you have harmed/pie-d no one but yourself.

In fact I take, back my previous evaluation of your scientific ability and rate you down on that for the reasons above mentioned. You have no idea about proper science, and I doubt you ever been in a proper laboratory.

Further what you call "lying" and "changing his story and say anything to cover his own ass" highlights how dellusional you are. Your habit of pouncing on every word uttered in casual science conversation as if it were a legal document or an inflamatory article about child abuse tends to force that. And yes, I "change my story" if I'm mistaken about something as everyone adopting a scientific attitude should do. That does not make me a liar, in fact quite the opposite.

BTW, weren't you supposed to be leaving gamedev because you didn't like it here? Sincerely, I think that would be a good idea.
That's fair enough, but your lack of knowledge and posturing as some kind of knowledgeable person is very insulting, and actually hurts people.


you're a liar who will repeatedly change his story and say anything to cover his own ass.

That's ironic and false. Despite your most aggressive efforts you have not managed to debunk my original statement that scientists have not been able to unify the 4 forces or my later statement that superstring theory is a dubious candidate to do so.

I may have been mistaken on two particulars of a dubious, quickly changing, unfinished, and unproven theory, which isn't even certain of its own fundamental particulars, and which I haven't done more than skim the surface of (because it doesn't particularly attract my attention), but you have shown yourself to be a self admitted crackpot whose whole approach to science is actually based on ignorance, posturing, and insulting people and trying to damage their reputation.

[EDIT: the order of paragraphs from this point on has been altered for better flow]

In fact I take back my previous evaluation of your scientific ability and rate you down on that partly for the reasons above mentioned. You have no idea about proper science, and I doubt you've ever been in a proper laboratory.

In this discussion you have been analogous to a baffling, pie throwing clown with poor eyesight and slow reflexes. And ironically, again, you have harmed/pie-d no one but yourself. EDIT: I've done my best to remain polite and accomodating to you partly because that's how I always try to treat everyone and partly because you seem to be mentally unstable/infirm but I've had enough of your unwarranted attacks.

Further, what you call "lying" and "changing his story and say anything to cover his own ass" highlights how delusional you are. Your habit of aggressively pouncing on every word uttered by essentially random people in casual science conversation as if it were a legal document and an inflamatory article about child abuse tends to force being careful of wording. And yes, I "change my story" if I'm mistaken about something as everyone adopting a scientific attitude should do. That does not make me a liar, in fact quite the opposite.

EDIT: Another point I think is worth noting is that physics is massive in scope. It is often said that no one person, no matter how knowledgable, can be certain of all its particulars. That is why specialisation exsits. So it becomes less important to have perfect memory of every specific detail, and more important to have correct skills in physics.

BTW Taby, weren't you supposed to be leaving gamedev because you didn't like it here? Sincerely, I think that would be a good idea.
If all of you are complaining that Taby is trolling, then why do you continue to feed the alleged troll?

Beginner in Game Development?  Read here. And read here.


If all of you are complaining that Taby is trolling, then why do you continue to feed the alleged troll?

Indeed, you make a good point. I'll simply exclude myself from further "discussion".
[size="1"]The best advice I can give is the one I follow myself - listen to those with more experience. Listen and absorb.
[size="1"]If you are a complete beginner and want to know more about game development, read this guide.

If all of you are complaining that Taby is trolling, then why do you continue to feed the alleged troll?

Because the alleged troll is damaging his brain every day he goes on like this, and turning what might be just a bad trip into the cultivation of a condition with questionable properties such as a 50% lifetime suicide rate?
I was really hoping that this thread would surge past the Osama view count. :(


From A First Course in String Theory, part 2.4 Relativistic energy and momentum (page 25 of 558)

A central concept in special relativity is that of proper time. [size="4"]Proper time is an invariant measure of time (my emphasis). Consider a moving particle and two events along its trajectory. Different Lorentz observers record different values for the time interval between the two events. But now imagine that the moving particle is carrying a clock. The proper time elapsed is the time elapsed between the two events on that clock. By definition, it is an invariant: all observers of a particular clock must agree on the time elapsed on that clock!

It would be unfair if I left the thread without mentioning that there are two measures for time in relativity; proper and coordinate. I found the reaction to my incorrect statement of "time is invariant" to be very informative.

I'll stop trollbaiting now. :)
Eelco, the only thing I'm damaging my brain with are cigarettes and Seroquel. If I really must spell it out for you -- I don't smoke pot or meth or whatever, or drink beer or Listerine or whatever.

Holy prejudice batman.

Eelco, the only thing I'm damaging my brain with are cigarettes and Seroquel. If I really must spell it out for you -- I don't smoke pot or meth or whatever, or drink beer or Listerine or whatever.

Holy prejudice batman.

I didnt say or insinuate anything about you abusing drugs, but the fact of the matter is that the longer you go around like this, the more demonstrable damage your brain will take. Whether you consistently tweak your brain with cocaine or let your brain tweak itself, the long term effects are pretty similar.

Seroquel is indeed not something to be taking lightly; nor to be quitting lightly. Since you imply it is your biggest problem: Have you been quitting it, or not taking it consistently? Is any independent observer keeping track of its effect on you, and when did you last meet him/her?

Youd be doing your ideas on physics a favor if you would approach them with your brain operating at a safer speed, methinks.
Micron-sized extra dimensions:

[quote name='Alpha_ProgDes' timestamp='1304947675' post='4808526']
If all of you are complaining that Taby is trolling, then why do you continue to feed the alleged troll?

Because the alleged troll is damaging his brain every day he goes on like this, and turning what might be just a bad trip into the cultivation of a condition with questionable properties such as a 50% lifetime suicide rate?

Sorry bud, but you said I was damaging my brain. That implies drug use of some kind. Get your shit together and stop trying to be a psychologist.

Still, you told me in plain English in another post to stop taking the drugs that I'm on. Just because you stealth deleted it doesn't change that fact.

Fuck you dipshit ROFLMAOBBQ, you're just another liar who changes his story to suit his tastes.

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