
Osama Bin Laden is Dead.

Started by May 02, 2011 04:27 AM
147 comments, last by dpandza 13 years, 4 months ago

Bin Laden is dead. Great. Now, can we get all of our freedoms back and get the hell out of the middle east?

I thought Obama was supposed to lead us out of the middle east, in addition to healing the planet and controlling ocean levels with the sheer force of his will. Maybe we should get serious about electing people who will do something more decisive than playing musical chairs with the leaders of our military-intelligence complex?

trzy. We are directly responsible for the theocracy in Iran. When those people burn our flags and celebrate when something horrible happens to the US, they have damn good reason to.

The US is partially responsible for creating the circumstances that ultimately led to that, but why don't you also blame the Iranians who actually installed the theocracy? Let's apply Occam's Razor and assign blame to the ones actually pulling the trigger. They could have re-installed a socialist or created a secular democracy, or even a military dictatorship, but instead they chose theocracy and that's not America's fault. The takeaway lessons from the overthrow of Mossadegh are: use regime change more sparingly, be careful of blowback, and, for nationalists around the world, don't steal the property of investors backed by more powerful governments than your own.

[quote name='frob' timestamp='1304367200' post='4805629']
Iraq = Started in 1990 with Iraq's Kuwait invasion, repulsion and ceasefire, decade of no-fly with a record of infractions. Followed up by UN inspection mandates requiring immediate and unconditional access to particular sites.

Iraq invaded Kuwait because Kuwait was slant drilling in Iraq territory and wouldn't stop after Iraq repeated demands for Kuwait to stop.

With that kind of logic, you could have tried a bit and justified the overthrow of Iran's socialist leader.

Iraq invaded Kuwait because Kuwait was slant drilling in Iraq territory and wouldn't stop after Iraq repeated demands for Kuwait to stop.

Iraq invaded Kuwait because it was in debt and Kuwait was driving down the price of oil. Independent firms not related to either Kuwait or Iraq dismissed the claims of slant drilling as a weak excuse to take military action.
Taiwan's animators do it again ;)

[quote name='Alpha_ProgDes' timestamp='1304367403' post='4805632']
Iraq invaded Kuwait because Kuwait was slant drilling in Iraq territory and wouldn't stop after Iraq repeated demands for Kuwait to stop.

Iraq invaded Kuwait because it was in debt and Kuwait was driving down the price of oil. Independent firms not related to either Kuwait or Iraq dismissed the claims of slant drilling as a weak excuse to take military action.

Was it weaker than the false testimonies, propaganda and lies that led to the second Iraq invasion?

[quote name='trzy']our Western value system trumps others when we find ourselves the targets of violence by opposing ideologues[/quote]
Opposing ideologies that Reagan and Carter directly funded and armed. So much for your so-called moral superiority.

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Was it weaker than the false testimonies, propaganda and lies that led to the second Iraq invasion?

Which of the UN resolutions that were not followed would you consider a lie? I need to know the answer to that question before any reasonable response can be made.

Was it weaker than the false testimonies, propaganda and lies that led to the second Iraq invasion?

This thread was about Bin Laden, which has more to do with Afghanistan and Pakistan. I disagreed with Iraq but am saddened to see that many self-proclaimed peace-lovers are gung-ho about intervention in Libya. So much for your so-called moral superiority.

Opposing ideologies that Reagan and Carter directly funded and armed. So much for your so-called moral superiority.

Between supporting Muslim freedom fighters (USA) and stabbing former allies in the back, and then trying to construct a phony narrative of Western Crusaders murdering Muslims (Bin Laden, Al Qaeda, and yourself), I'd say the USA clearly possesses moral superiority in what is obviously a very messy situation.

Score another one for the good guys! *fist pump*

Between supporting Muslim freedom fighters (USA) and stabbing former allies in the back, and then trying to construct a phony narrative of Western Crusaders murdering Muslims (Bin Laden, Al Qaeda, and yourself), I'd say the USA clearly possesses moral superiority in what is obviously a very messy situation.

That is true. Oil is messy.

But oil must flow. So ends justify the means.

That is true. Oil is messy.


But I hope you are aware that there is no oil in Afghanistan.

But oil must flow. So ends justify the means.

Sort of. Involvement in the middle east ultimately boils down to oil and national interest (but then again, so does everyone's involvement anywhere). But reality is a bit more complex. America's benign imperialism is not solely motivated by predatory resource extraction. The US is not benefiting from OPEC manipulating oil prices or the Saudis bankrolling anti-American terrorists, now are we? So perhaps the narrative is more complex.

[quote name='Fiddler' timestamp='1304369332' post='4805646']
Was it weaker than the false testimonies, propaganda and lies that led to the second Iraq invasion?

Which of the UN resolutions that were not followed would you consider a lie? I need to know the answer to that question before any reasonable response can be made.
"The people of the United States and our friends and allies will not live at the mercy of an outlaw regime that threatens the peace with weapons of mass murder." George W. Bush, 19 March 2003

No such weapons were ever found either by the UN inspectors or the US occupation forces. A war that cost an est. 3 trillion dollars (source), resulted in somewhere between ~100000 to 1000000 casualties, including coalition forces (source).

Is there really anything more that needs to be said?

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