
Osama Bin Laden is Dead.

Started by May 02, 2011 04:27 AM
147 comments, last by dpandza 13 years, 4 months ago
I believe that it's bad karma to celebrate a person's death, regardless of what they've done.

I do however find it ironic that while America was shocked to discover that middle-eastern civillians were celebrating the destruction of the twin towers, here America is now celebrating the death of the mastermind behind the attack.

Perhaps the government will use this as an excuse to leave the middle-east? Maybe change the reason for war one last time? (9/11 -> Weapons of mass destruction -> Bringing down a tyrant -> Peacekeeping -> "Oh hey, our original reason for war was to take down Bin Laden, and now he's dead. Now we can leave.")
I bet this is all just an excuse to "revitalise the war on terror" and invade more middle-eastern countries. The talk in the whitehouse probably went like this "well, looks like we are going to lose the next election because everyone realises I suck as much as any other. I know, let's do a George W. Bush!".

I can't believe how lacking in evidence this is. Obama will be remembered as the president of forgery.

I bet this is all just an excuse to "revitalise the war on terror" and invade more middle-eastern countries. The talk in the whitehouse probably went like this "well, looks like we are going to lose the next election because everyone realises I suck as much as any other. I know, let's do a George W. Bush!".

I can't believe how lacking in evidence this is. Obama will be remembered as the president of forgery.

Wasn't this also confirmed by Pakistan? After all they made the operation possible. Basically I get the feeling that you wont be satisfied until you see the body, hopefully somebody had the foresight to take a picture before they dumped him in the sea.

[quote name='GMuser' timestamp='1304335609' post='4805354']
I bet this is all just an excuse to "revitalise the war on terror" and invade more middle-eastern countries. The talk in the whitehouse probably went like this "well, looks like we are going to lose the next election because everyone realises I suck as much as any other. I know, let's do a George W. Bush!".

I can't believe how lacking in evidence this is. Obama will be remembered as the president of forgery.

Wasn't this also confirmed by Pakistan? After all they made the operation possible. Basically I get the feeling that you wont be satisfied until you see the body, hopefully somebody had the foresight to take a picture before they dumped him in the sea.

I stopped being satisfied since the first gram of a child's blood was dropped because of his fault. He wasn't worth the suffering he caused. I have no reason to feel happy for his death. He was never worth a bit of my attention. Instead you are and you are celebrating over his death and ignoring all the lives you took because of his fault..

You failed at being better than him. Just as I could have. But I didn't.
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.
Of course I want to see the body, I can't believe the reports they dumped it in the sea. Surely they knew that would inspire talk of conspiracy. I would have expected DNA tests and proper confirmation that it was him, not this "you just believe us that we killed him, BOOYAH!". I was also pretty sure he was already dead before this event, so it's unlikely to have him pop up and say something.
There will be a lot of people who see this as a sort of closing of that particular chapter of history, though Obama said the War On Terror will continue. BBC reported earlier that the Taliban have threatened attacks on Pakistani agencies and the US, so nothing much has changed from this time yesterday. A member of AQ who was/is held at Guantanamo said they had a nuclear weapon hidden in Europe which would be detonated if OBL was ever killed, but nothing has happened yet so it's probably safe to either he was lying or, security services found and dealt with the problem sometime ago.

He was little more than a figure head/ fundraiser for AQ so, not much will change with him being dead, except some loons frothing at the mouth about it.

There will be many people who will think it's a conspiracy of some sort. They'll never believe it no matter how much proof is given.

What was the secret, they wanted to know; in a thousand different ways they wanted to know The Secret. And not one of them was prepared, truly prepared, to believe that it had not so much to do with chemicals and zippy mental tricks as with that most unprofound and sometimes heartrending process of removing, molecule by molecule, the very tough rubber that comprised the bottom of his training shoes.
Do you really believe the circle of violence will end with a murder? Are you really so naive?

By celebrating the assassination, you have dropped to the level of the terrorists you are supposedly fighting. Whatever moral high ground you used to claim - that is lost now.

Enjoy your peaceful intermission until the next terrorist strike lands. Your policy has all but made that certain. Mission accomplished?

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[color=#1C2837][size=2]By celebrating the assassination, you have dropped to the level of the terrorists you are supposedly fighting[/quote]

I'm not celebrating murder. I'm celebrating the loss of a man responsible for mass murder. Would you not have celebrated the demise of Hitler? Or Saddam Hussein, who was responsible for a genocide of his own? There is nothing wrong with being happy that an evil person who caused such inconceivable harm to the world is no longer in it.

And 'dropped to the level of the terrorists'. No, slaughtering hundreds or thousands of innocent people based on nothing but their nationality or their belief system would lower us to the level of terrorists. No matter how you may feel about the celebration of somebody's death, don't ever accuse people of sinking to the level of the terrorists. Don't equate a possibly slightly immoral expression of free speech with mass murder and genocide.
By the by, does anyone have a link to anywhere that cites that OBL ever actually admitted to planning 9/11? The closest I can find is this where he says that 9/11 sent the message that he'd been trying to send for years, and that the though of attacking american towers entered his mind in the 80's (prior to the 1993 WTC attacks). It's very vague...

It's "common knowledge" that he's the guy responsible, and the legality of the Afghanistan invasion rests on that knowledge, but I can't dig up a solid source for it. Anyone got a better source of this bit of common knowledge?

Wasn't this also confirmed by Pakistan?
Pakistan did confirm his death... 5 years ago.

[quote name='Fox89' timestamp='1304336044' post='4805356']
Wasn't this also confirmed by Pakistan?
Pakistan did confirm his death... 5 years ago.

I was wrong anyway, according to the reports I'm seeing now the US were worried about information leaks in the Pakistani intelligence network so didn't inform anybody before the strike!

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