
U guyz still haven''t learnt

Started by January 05, 2000 10:52 AM
17 comments, last by INVERSED 25 years, 1 month ago
Geez, I am so tired of seeing this that it''s driving me crazy. I seem to be finding it in chat rooms and web forums all over the net, what I am talking about is learnt, u see it in ur messages, in ur icq''s and in ur im''s. You know what I mean. I advocate we stop flagrently using a word which does not exist in the english language (american english at least). Here, let me break it down for you: you may learn, you may have learned, and you may be learning. You could have been learning (progressive tense I believe). Hell, ur friend may have even learned, but I doubt any of u have ever, EVER learnt anything a day in your life. If you have,, please let me know, and tell me how you did it. If you haven''t and r lying about it, you should be ashamed of yourselves (oh and another thing, it is only yourselves, never yourselfs). Thanks for listening to my little rant, and this may for ever be know as the day INVERSED went postal on learnting.
Write more poetry.
This from a guy who uses "r" and "ur" frequently ????


It seems as if you are so concerned about grammer that you would at least take the time to TYPE out your words.

Its amazing how repetition can set almost anyone off about anything.


-Erik L. Elmore
-Erik L. Elmore
"you have been learning" would be in the present perfect progressive tense.

Your local linguist,
It sucks. Such a staement is a complete thought and it politely expresses just how fucked up I see pimply-faced people who wantonly reinvent the English language. Oh, the language continuously changes and develops. For instance, my father insisted that a car was properly known as an automobile since trains pulled cars. Assholes who insist upon scripting spoken English instead of using proper English demonstrate the negative influences of television and radio. Oh, by the way- I worked in broadcasting for 15 years. If i misspelled something- excuse the fuck out of me, dude.
Check it out... and heed these words

Generally people use short hand and ''colloquial'' terms as my English teacher would put it because they are locked up in technicality. If you are writing a computer program and have to quickly respond to an e-mail before you lose your train of thought you will most likely use a term like ''learnt'' because it sounds right to you, despite its grammatical foundation. As you can see, when I am actually thinking about what I am writing, I can generally write a very fluent paragraph although my punctuation is less than average. But remember, when you are not in school or writing a report don''t be so uptight and let your words flow out. Come on, lighten up, if you can understand what someone is saying, don''t criticize it (I get enough of that from my English Teacher).

Rock on,
- Tom
Rock on,- Tom
well, i just couldnt help myself....

i really like the whole "get off my back, my english teacher is bad enough" attitude. those who have this attitude are of the same mentality as most of the people i went to high school with (8 years ago, havent seen most of them since). failure to use standard spelling (a certain small percentage of misspelling is allowable, it cant be helped), and the excessive use of trendy slang (i.e. talking like a character in a recently released movie or recent tv show) will do you more harm than good.

"but i dont do it all the time! i only do it when i''m around my friends. i know how to speak good english! really, i do!"

oh, do you? first of all, it is "i know how to speak english well", but thats not the point. here''s a breakdown of some pretty realistic way that things happen. when you are used to a certain mode of speech, or writing in a certain programming language, switching to another mode of speech is difficult, and you will constantly slip back into the style to which you are accustomed. so, if you speak like a punkass 90% of the time, the 10% of the rest of the time, you''re impetus will make you slip into your usually manner of speaking.... sometimes at very unfortunate places and times, like a job interview. no, i''m not saying that speaking proper english will make you sound smarter. i''m just saying that speaking with too much slang will make you sound dumb.

the same goes for writing. someday, you may be interviewing for a programming job. in most cases, there is usually some sort of programming test, where you have to rewrite itoa() or something. they will expect you to comment your work, and using stupid text-slang will make you look like an idiot.

however, if you WANT to look like an idiot, that''s fine by me. that way i dont have to give you a second thought.

Get off my lawn!

People should not worry so much about other peoples mistakes if they are going to make some themselves. They definitely shouldn''t comment on respective IQ''s. Notice the capitals at the start of each sentence. Please don''t start a vicious circle and point my inevitable spelling mistakes or you are missing the point.

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