I suggest adding more featured journals to the front page until someone starts writing news for the site.
True gdnet news was maybe 4-5 posts per week. With as much that goes on in the industry this doesn't cover enough ground for us to call what we have news. Our objective for the site is to be a source of game development information first and foremost.
While very few people like change around here, it's hard to argue that sites like reddit, digg, stackoverflow, etc. are attracting more viewers. I think in our old mindset we thought it was uber important for us to produce original news content (and even original articles). But honestly, who cares where the news comes from? We had maybe 3-4 unique posts per week which will continue to show up in the stream.. BUT, everything else was essentially reposts from other news sites. So in addition to the 3-4 posts we natively had per week, we'll be focusing on a subset of game development news sources (I removed Kotaku btw) that are relevant to the site.
The "likes" are prominent because that's what we wanted out of the UI.. people to vote. The view is actually unique and permanent to individual user accounts. e.g. if you say a news item is uninteresting it will be gone from your view of the news forever as long as you are logged in. For the first iteration of this system we'll be measuring down votes rather than acting on them to get an idea of what kind of threshold we would need in order to remove an article from the front page. So for now we're in a data collection state and will be analyzing what you guys find interesting/uninteresting and trying to tweak our news to reflect that.
And lastly, the frontpage is going to be looked at to streamline it - things like the journals are becoming far more important and relevant than the articles section right now.