I don't believe that X11 is all that bad to work with. True, it kinda looks ugly in source code but it works. In my experience, I have found that X11 has it's own logic similar to Win32. But they are different in a lot of ways. I glanced over a google on ICCCM and what I seen were topics on Atoms and things of that nature. I've been working with X11 for a while now and have had no bugs with it on any other Linux box I ran my application on. I did learn the hard way about a few things, but oddly X11 helped me debug.... X11. Like OpenAL, from what I've noticed, when you screw up or forget to release something or try to use something that doesn't exists they both hick'up and dump a bunch of crap in the terminal. Yes, I said terminal. Who knows that one of those is? I still use the old tools because I'm comfortable with them. I haven't seen any lack in development either. Now back on track, X11 and OpenAL both printed out error codes that I looked up via google Xlib. Turns out I learned a lot of neat lil tricks and helpful info that way. For example, I've seen a few sites the demonstrate OpenGL using X11. This is cool, but they close their applications the wrong way. First, they use an atom they technically have created for their application yet so when they try to check for a ClienMessage X11 complains. Well... or... maybe that was just me, but I swear I'm not the only one I've seen it! But who cares, SDL is easy to setup to. I didn't like how it handles sound though. I'd rather use SDL for event processing and OpenGL initialization. But then that takes the fun out it for me... hehe.
Besides all this, its nice to see that there are people here interested in Linux. Look at all the replies I got. Even is some were negative, oh well. Again, I would just like to see more Linux stuff out their. I just downloaded a couple of cool programs from Ubuntu.One: Gtick and tuxguitar. Amazing, I didn't think I could break 100 on chromatics yet but I did. Anyways... all cool stuff cheers