
Hacker Group 'Anonymous' Targeting Sony/PSN

Started by April 06, 2011 04:04 AM
10 comments, last by Hodgman 13 years, 10 months ago

[quote name='Antheus' timestamp='1302113264' post='4795143']
[quote name='way2lazy2care' timestamp='1302103060' post='4795064']
Most electric servicers own the meters and loan them to you as part of their provided service. I think in the US from my quick googling if you tamper with the meter, they are allowed to charge you the full amount of possible electricity you could have received through the meter, which is thousands of dollars per month.

Well, you don't own PS3 either. Sony lets you use it.

Same thing. You didn't buy it, you paid for the privilege of the service. Well, perhaps things weren't worded exactly like it, but they will be on next version or next update.[/quote]

I don't even have a console, but does Sony loan the PS3 to users? I mean, do you have to give it back when you're done with it? So far I know you don't sign any contract when you buy the closed box. Does it has some sort of EULA inside? What if I bought it used without manuals or certificates? Is that even legal?

It's most certainly not legal here (Sweden) at least. So I doubt it.

I have no problem with Sony banning PS3 users from PSN for modding their consoles. As far as I know they don't remote-brick the consoles do they?

If you are banned from PSN, are you still able to download the games you bought from there? Because if not, I'm against that. Being banned from future purchases is fine, as well as being banned from playing online, but being banned from accessing things you have already purchased is wrong imo.

I meant buying an un-modded used PS3.
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.

[quote name='Hodgman' timestamp='1302063711' post='4794899']
Sony's being rediculgressive over the publication of a number that lets people make use of a computer they bought.
You've gotta expect some nerd-hate in return for that.
*Analogy*[/quote]Ignoring whether or not that analogy is valid, their actions (whether correct or not) sure have generated nerd-hate, right? Seeing not everyone views your analogy as valid, wouldn't you expect some of those people to be angry?
Well, you don't own PS3 either. Sony lets you use it.
Same thing. You didn't buy it, you paid for the privilege of the service.
[sup][citation needed]
[/sup]If that was true, then I'd not be allowed to smash my PS3 right? Just like I can't smash the electricity distributor's meters.
...but I can smash my PS3 - there's no sale contract, and there's nothing in the box that says that the device remains their property. The suggestion that they could change their EULA to retroactively take ownership of the device is honestly pretty crazy.
Compare this with a PS3 dev-kit, where there is a legal agreement that you must sign before you take possession of the device, which ensures that the device does remain their property and ensures that you can't fuck with it and must return it when you're done.

The PSN service falls under the service category - Sony has every right to cut that off from people who don't follow their terms.

The issue here has nothing to do with PSN or EULAs though (you can buy a PS3 without accepting the EULA). The issue is that Sony is restricting the dissemination of information used to perform DIY modifications on an appliance that you own. They may have a legal right to do so, under copyright or anti-copy-protection-circumvention or some such, but it's still going to piss people off.

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