My name is Anna and I have this game idea that won't leave me be.
I have a computer game idea (RPG/Simulation) that I’d like some response on. It’s still very rough of course (I have just started developing the concept), but I am confident in the idea, and I definitely lost some sleep over the whole thing.[/font]
[font="Book Antiqua"]I will spare you many details of game play but try to present this to you in a concentrated and above all comprehensible manner.[/font]
[font="Book Antiqua"]”Your goal is to live life to the fullest according to your own unique conditions, characteristics and idiosyncratic persuasions.”
I’ll be honest with you all and tell you that, the very thing making this game so unique and so brilliantly harsh against obvious seams of the grain, is also the big thing -I fear- people will complain about, or at least be doubtful towards.[/font]
[font="Book Antiqua"]I find that games today strive to give the player every opportunity to become everything they dream of being, this occurring more times than not in RPGs. This is often good, great even. You carry on about trying to become the best at everything or at least anything. You’re surrounded everybody else seeking their own fortune and triumph with the exact same goals, and with the same preconditions. It always makes you the chosen one, just like everybody else… [/font]
[font="Book Antiqua"]In the beginning of my game you would be “sorted” to live your life as a wizard/witch, an elf, a human or a rider of dragons. Your destiny (yes, key word: destiny) is based on your choice of a “key item”, your answers to some introductive questions and the worldly balance. This “balance” is one of the most important features of the game as its purpose is to regulate the population of the different species (wizard/witch, an elf, a human or a rider of dragons). Your character, when decided, will also have different traits and abilities. Some are chosen by you, the player, and some are congenital. These will affect your life in the game. For example, if you have chosen the “fast learner” trait, studying and taking classes and lessons will not be as time consuming for your character. There will be approximately 60-70 different traits available, and every character will have a maximum of 3 traits (everyone will start out with 2) although every trait isn't available to everyone.[/font]
[font="Book Antiqua"]In game you will have the chance to meet other players whom you can build relationships and families with; trade and work with, fight against, team up with or just share likings through your local bulletin board. You’ll have plenty of interactions to choose from but can also always just talk by using the chat box.[/font]
[font="Book Antiqua"]Whether you want to devote your life to magical animals, slay enemies or pursue a career in teaching, the knowledge obtainable is great and the opportunities available are appallingly numerous.
Some of the choices to finance your life would be to: Work in one of the shops available, create your own business, teach your subject of choice, breed/sell animals, hunt and sell, protect the country from invasion and other no-good-doers, service in the magical world or become an interior designer!
You will be able to attend classes, learn skills by studying, or you can try your luck understanding the life lessons you just have to figure out by experiencing them first hand.[/font]
[font="Book Antiqua"]The different types of characters all have abilities that the others simply lack. The in-game experience should be equally enjoyable for everyone and therefore, despite whom you are. Life will sometimes be difficult, sometimes exhilarating and sometimes magical.[/font]
[font="Book Antiqua"]The ideas for the game continue to unfold and I keep documenting them as they come! For now, this is just an idea, and your opinion still matters to me!
I would love your input and thought. Is this an idea I should pursue and try to build on? Will it be exciting? Do you want to play? Will the hope of becoming a specific character lead to a disappointment too great?
I won’t post more details here now although I have a lot more, I hope you can all understand the main concept of it.[/font]
[font="Book Antiqua"]“This makes the game more realistic. Face it; you’re not always the person you would like to be, heck, are you ever? In this game you will be pushed to harvest your potentials and compelled to reach your own destiny. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. What matters is how you chose to lead your life despite your particularities, and because of your particularities. You will live alongside others who are different from yourself, who have different traits, who don’t share your goals and don’t necessarily share your sets of DNA.”
The tital isn't set. I have some suggestions regarding it. Right now, I put down "Life Expected".[/font]
[font="Book Antiqua"]Thank you so much for your time, you who read all this and heard what I had to say. I face severe technical adversity with this. But I want to believe for some reason. Maybe it's because I know that financially I have the resources. But to put the quote of the day out there, "money isn't everything".
As stated earlier, comments are most welcome![/font]