Basic description of story-
This game will be a character’saccount of today’s society descending into anarchy. The playerinteracts with other characters in the game world as they all try tosurvive. This will invariably lead to decision making crossroads,where the player’s actions and the consequences of those actionswill have a dramatic impact on the disposition and playing experienceof the player.
The story will take place in the nearfuture, and is based upon the premise that an economic andgovernmental collapse has sent society into a dramatic and rapidfreefall into chaos.
At first, the financial collapse is metby the public with measured anxiety. But as governmental agenciesand services systematically shut down, that anxiety gives way towidespread panic as many citizens try to hoard supplies, while otherstake advantage of the lawlessness. Almost immediately, people beginto form factions to create stability.
About the main Character
Age- 30ish
Occupation-Military Veteran
The concept of this game is to tell thestory of one person as the world transitions from its current state,to a state of anarchy. The challenge will be to cope with survivaland resource management in a crumbling society. The story willexplore how certain groups with common bonds will come together.
Throughout the course of the story, theplayer will struggle with resource allocation and management. Withno economic system in place, certain NPC’s will control access togoods and services, and the player will have to barter or scavenge toprocure goods.
At the onset of the game, the playerfinds society collapsing around him. Being suddenly in the positionof having no resources, the player must set out to survive. Theplayer will meet various people and be put in situations which testthe constitution of the human spirit. These interactions will takethe form of “quests” which will be closely intertwined with theconcept of resource management. Because of the limited availabilityof resources, the player will be in the position where he may have totake a course of action that he might normally find undesirable. Ina typical RPG format, the player will gain experience and skillsthrough the course of the game.
Perhaps instead of a linear story, thegame will be comprised of chance encounters with other individualswho are in the same battle for survival. The outcome of the questswill affect the game world in specific ways such as creating accessto skilled workers, resources, additional quests, etc.
The game should employ the use ofscavenging materials to build tools. This aspect of the game shouldbe developed more than what was seen in fallout 3… For example,some quests may require the building of a tool to achieve anobjective.
Not long after the collapse, peoplestart to congregate at their supply sources. They do this forseveral reasons. First, they must secure and often defend thesesupplies. Secondly, as a group, they have security and are able tore-establish social hierarchies.
Initially, The third person shooter engine that I have spent the last year or so developing had been intended for a zombie shooter RPG.... I have all but abandoned that concept as of now, and I am left with a void of a story and an almost complete game framework.