So you're saying that the business plan you'll present to your investors is: your company will develop and self-publish one game on its own website. The monetization method is microtransactions.
Can you name any other companies that do business that way? Only one game, hosted on their own website and servers?
Well, I hadn't thought much of the 'business' part. I've noticed that there are sites that do that, too. AdventureQuest, for example - the game is pretty horrible in itself, and they just host it on their site and ask little kiddies to beg $20 out of their parents to ... well, pretty much to pay for the other 90% of the game, or just to have their character made better than other characters by giving them imbalanced gear. Of course, that wasn't what I'd planned on doing, but...
Also, there would be ad revenue coming in on the site, but that probably wouldn't be a huge amount of money, and would probably be donated to maintaining servers and buying new servers.
There would be other games hosted eventually, but you have to start with one before moving on to two, right..? Unless you suggest developing two or three and hosting them across the website?
After the first was developed, the next would be moved on to, I suppose.
But what I was thinking was you get investments to pay for hiring a team and then once the game is developed, the team disbands and you move on to the next...?
Then there's also keeping that team and making the next game, which would be making the company, I suppose.
[quote name='GHMP' timestamp='1301006049' post='4790156']
[quote name='frob' timestamp='1300990613' post='4790054']
The "massively multiplayer" part is where it becomes nasty and prohibitively expensive.
You can have a small persistent world pretty easily. There isn't much of a difference between supporting 4 or 10 or 32 concurrent players. A single dedicated machine with a good hosting plan should be able to handle the processing and data requirements. Games with low bandwidth and little server work, like text based MUDs, have been around for a long time.
Once you get into the hundreds of concurrent users, or thousands, or tens of thousands, the situation changes dramatically.
Even at a hundred or so concurrent players you're going to need a small cluster of machines that are running a wide range of software, and some hefty Internet connections.
Game companies get to making the multi-million dollar games by starting small. They may start with just 2-3 people on a hobby team, or the studio owner may get extra mortgages on their home to fund it. Then they need to be profitable. As they become profitable they grow. As they grow they can negotiate bigger publishing deals, hire more people, hopefully succeed and become more profitable, grow some more, etc.
By concurrent users, do you mean all playing in one room at the same time or all just simply 'on the game' at one time? I'm designing an FPS PvP and also an MMORPG, but I was planning on trying to 'take action' with the FPS before anything else, since an MMORPG would most likely require a much larger budget. Would the FPS with at most 16 players in one 'room' at a time be OK, even if there are thousands making different rooms and playing in different rooms?
I know FPSes only use around 8-16 players at a time in one room because it requires so much 'effort' to keep 16 players accurately playing an FPS game.
Another reason I thought the FPS would be better to start with was because it would A) not have a huge amount of maps, characters, models, and programming involved and

wouldn't necessarily be MMO, as there would only be around 16 players in a room at one time. Am I mistaken to think this way? I did want the game to have a single-player mode, but that could always be implemented in a later version of the game, maybe if the first, PvP-only version gets somewhere and makes money. The game was supposed to be online with the option of paying for more equipment and such.
if by rooms you mean servers, then yes, its not a problem to have 8-16 or even 32-64 players per server like most FPS games do (Allthough a higher playercount does require better server hardware or a more optimized server software), as long as you're not hosting all those servers yourself. (what you should do is host a master server that only keeps a list of all other active servers and then let your players host their own servers, you might need to throw up a low number of servers yourself to get things started).
The difficult part of an MMO is that you will inevitably go far beyond what a single machine can handle so rather than having one server hosting a game for lets say 64 players or 10 servers hosting 10 games for 10x64 players you need to figure out a way to get multiple servers to host a single game for a massive(the first M in MMO) number of players, if you are going for a large open world this is challenging.
I suggest reading up on distributed simulations or that you think of a design that lets you split the game into multiple independant simulations. (WoW for example uses instances which are limited to at most 80 players for their action heavy parts (IIRC the biggest instance in terms of player count is the Alterac Valley 40vs40 battleground) while the rest of the game functions more like a traditional mmo)
By a 'room' I meant an instanced map that's chosen by the player. For example, every player can make a game of their own using an existing map, choose if they want to play AoS or arena style, and then 'make' the game and wait for other players to join before starting the game. All players in that 'game' would then be brought to a seperate instance of the map which is specific to them. Though other players might be seeing this similar map, each map would have it's own players determined by the players that were in the game when it started (and maybe other players that join after the game starts). Either they could make a game (game, room, whatever you prefer) with their chosen in-game map (stage) and settings, or join someone else's game that they want to play.
It's pretty much just like Warcraft III, Genesis A.D., etc.
So there would be both managing the players who aren't currently in a game, who would be seeing the menu where they join or create a game, and those who are each in their seperate instanced map with other players in the same game.