
Your impressions on my artwork

Started by March 23, 2011 05:25 PM
2 comments, last by 13 years, 11 months ago
Hi there,

I am a game programmer but I have always had an interest in the artistic side. Been practicing in my free time for years doing stuff on paper. But I have been doing a lot lately on my own, especially with photoshop and 3DS Max. Here's some of my art:

I drew this for a new member in the help wanted section last night, the pencil job was rather done quickly but I have spent about 3 hours with the texturing and shades:


This is really the best I can do in terms of 2D art, but that takes a lot of time... Great for monster art. My technique, I cut real textures from real pictures from google image and put them together.


I have also been experimenting with 3D with 3DS Max. Here's an orc warrior I have done, all ready to animate:


Is this stuff good enough for gaming? Feedback and tip?
First, good enough is different per game. I'd say it's a good start and you should keep practicing.

And the photo-realism of the frog adds a style to it that's kind of creepy; like watching a bizarre kid's show.
I can observe that you have the same problems that I have: Proportions and perspective. Two aspects of drawing I've never been able to master because it requires study, practice and lots of time.

Other than that there seems to be a lot of creativity and artistic potential there.

Keep it up!
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.
Might as well throw in another photo-realistic frog in there, making that leather armor took me forever:

Well, usually my problem are the feets, hands and fingers. They can be too small, too short or sometimes in a weird position. I sometimes have that little problem too when arms and legs are in a special position like folded.

Well, I guess practice makes perfect.

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