
Anyone else ever get bored of the Internet?

Started by March 19, 2011 01:25 AM
7 comments, last by szecs 13 years, 6 months ago
I've been becoming increasingly frisky this winter from being in doors all the time(the freakin' snow is up to my waist still) and it's driving me nutty. The internet can't seem to hold my attention like it used to now that it's no longer an uncharted territory. I some times feel like I can walk on the ceiling.

Anyone else in the same boat here?
I do get bored with it. But mainly if there's no real reason I'm on other than killing time. Thing is one day i could be sitting crawling up the walls with boredom while staring at a PC screen with Opera running and the next day i could spend till 4am reading about sultanas and being fascinated by it for some reason. I do get more of the crawling the wall days in winter though so i feel your pain.
This happens every now and then but usually I end up finding a new youtube channel that I like and then I have a whole new backlog of vids to watch.
Hmm, I think that if you get bored of the internet, you're doing it wrong :P

Ofc, you have to do other things too, including other fun things.
Mainly watching youtube videos is what I like to do when I'm bored. Sometimes reading forums as well. The internet is technically still in it's infancy and more people watch TV when they are bored. There is simply not enough interesting content on the internet right now. I think in a few years it will get even better than it is now.
Hehe, you can always find yourself a sweet little woman to take your mind off of the boredom, always seems to make me feel better ;)

Youtube Channel

Anyone else ever get bored of the Internet?[/quote]
Hahah, I never approached the internet in that way. Not sure if have ever I gotten bored of it. I treat the internet more like a very useful resource, almost like a convenient uber appliance that covers just about any subject in this world.

Typical scenario, I'm working on a hobby/project, and I need to research something. Hop on the internet, as naturally you'd do. Research a bit, check mail, perhaps drop into forums, then I see some silly lolcats and get completely sidetracked from my original mission. There goes 2 hours and wake up somewhere in 4chan land. How the fuck did I get here....? All is not lost, eventually internet silliness wears off and my original project becomes more interesting again.

I have no problem standing up, and walking away from it all. It's not like I sit there and hit the refresh button in the hope of seeing something change on the screen.
Latest project: Sideways Racing on the iPad

Hmm, I think that if you get bored of the internet, you're doing it wrong :P

Ofc, you have to do other things too, including other fun things.

I agree with him. Being a busy person before, and only have unlimited access to internet very lately, I think the internet will never bored me. I haven't even finished watching all those TED videos yet.

Right now I'm studying (on my own) simple accounting at and
I am bored with it since I have it. I never really got this "surfing" thing.

Everybody knows, that internet is for porn

Anyhoo: winter = walking/skiing/skating/feeding reindeer/walking on ice/building snowmen/throwing snowballs at your girlfriend/Christmas (well, not necessarily)/boiled wine/etc-etc.
I see no point in walking on the ceiling.....

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