
Online Video Game Development Studio

Started by March 16, 2011 08:23 AM
9 comments, last by Ravyne 13 years, 6 months ago
Check out TurnKey Linux -- it's a linux-based (well, really a collection of them targetting different needs/scenarios) "software applience". The idea is that you have a server, you install their software and its a pre-configured box with all the common tools. IIRC, one provides an IPBX system, and another provides a development server with various source-control systems, bug trackers, etc. It may not be exactly what you want, but its close. I think they also offer a "bare" applience, which is just the minimum linux system which all their appliences are based on, for folks that need truly custom solutions.

If I were going to put something like that together, I would start with their bare system, add the components I want (or better yet, allow the user to choose among various components at install) for source control, ftp, web-hosting (I wouldn't recommend putting the "public" server on this box) etc. The "value add" I would focus on is providing a very easy-to-use, web-based managment console -- something like you get for managing a website hosted by someone like DreamHost, but for managing projects, databases, employees/contractors, etc. Automate various tasks, such as setting up a new project, automated builds/testing, adding users and setting their rights, etc. You don't need to reinvent each part, you just need to provide solid integration.

If you were going to do something new, I always thought it would be really cool to have an online IDE -- like Google-docs for code -- though things like testing/debugging present some problems.

throw table_exception("(? ???)? ? ???");

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