
Conan the Barbarian

Started by March 13, 2011 05:13 AM
13 comments, last by szecs 13 years, 6 months ago

I never read the books. But the first one was rather good. The second one however was too commercial. Especially the Conan swinging his sword to and fro just to look cool.
They aren't bad movies. I own a copy of the DVD set and like them. They are just bad Conan movies. Arnold actually played 'Conan' in the Red Sonja movies, but with a different name.

Conan has been the victim of adaption decay many times.

I don't think that it will be better than original, even 3D variant to me doesn't make any difference here, also it depends on main actor...

Deltron Zero and Automator.


Conan 2011

I don't know about this. Conan is a classic. It's not broken. It doesn't need a remake. It needs a sequel that continues from the first two, but not a remake. And it's in 3D. Why, oh why? I understand it's the new thing and all. But unless there's going to be eye-popping 3D and blood gushing everywhere, swords damn near stabbing you in the eye, and raunchiness as far as the eye can see, they should just leave it in 2D.

In short, I don't have my hopes up for this one.

I've almost given up hope for decent movies anymore. It's obvious there are almost no creative minds left that write movies. The only movies even closely on my radar are the comic adaptations coming this year. Even then, I won't pay double what I should just to watch crappy 3D.

Former Microsoft XNA and Xbox MVP | Check out my blog for random ramblings on game development

It's a viral campaign for Conan O'brien's first live 3D show to be simulcast in theaters around the country.
I think there are movies left to make. Why don't they make Weaveworld at last? I could imagine a Nausicaä movie too. or Captain Planet :P

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