
Conan the Barbarian

Started by March 13, 2011 05:13 AM
13 comments, last by szecs 13 years, 6 months ago
Conan 2011

I don't know about this. Conan is a classic. It's not broken. It doesn't need a remake. It needs a sequel that continues from the first two, but not a remake. And it's in 3D. Why, oh why? I understand it's the new thing and all. But unless there's going to be eye-popping 3D and blood gushing everywhere, swords damn near stabbing you in the eye, and raunchiness as far as the eye can see, they should just leave it in 2D.

In short, I don't have my hopes up for this one.

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previously titled Conan 3D[/quote]That's all you need to know. If they put "3D" into the title, then that's probably all you'll walk away with...

person A: So how was Conan?
person B: It was.... well it was 3D, that was interesting...
You might be right....:mellow:

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You might be right....:mellow:

I am emotionally confused by this. On the one hand I find it hilarious on the other my faith in humanity has decreased.

I'm just..... um.... Why the fuck's sake??? They piss on the work of my mostest favoritest actor. What the fuck will they remake next time? Total recall?? The end of the world is near!

*foaming at the mouth*

What the fuck will they remake next time? Total recall??

Of course.

[quote name='szecs' timestamp='1300289091' post='4786561']
What the fuck will they remake next time? Total recall??

Of course.

[size="7"]*foaming at the mouth*
The original Conan movies are usually frowned upon by Conan fans. They are mostly 'Conan in name only'. The second one is especially hated because it was toned down R->PG on top of just being a poor movie overall. Although to the new Conan seems to be no better at staying true to the source material.

I'm looking forward to this, and the new Red Sonja remake, if Robert Rodriguez ever gets around to doing it. He was supposed to make it years ago with Rose McGowan.

edit: There was a R rated Conan animated film that was supposed to release recently, but it disappeared off the face of the earth suddenly.
Commando was supposedly getting a remake, too. On the plus side, Arnold Schwarzenegger has said that he's looking at around 15 scripts at the moment...

[Website] [+++ Divide By Cucumber Error. Please Reinstall Universe And Reboot +++]

The original Conan movies are usually frowned upon by Conan fans. They are mostly 'Conan in name only'. The second one is especially hated because it was toned down R->PG on top of just being a poor movie overall. Although to the new Conan seems to be no better at staying true to the source material.

I'm looking forward to this, and the new Red Sonja remake, if Robert Rodriguez ever gets around to doing it. He was supposed to make it years ago with Rose McGowan.

edit: There was a R rated Conan animated film that was supposed to release recently, but it disappeared off the face of the earth suddenly.

I never read the books. But the first one was rather good. The second one however was too commercial. Especially the Conan swinging his sword to and fro just to look cool.

The guy from Baywatch, Rose McGowan, Colin Farrell.... what the hell happened to gritty actors and actresses?! Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll be a great surprise like how Daniel Craig was to 007 (which I was quite happy to be wrong about)

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