
You Know What I Wish?

Started by March 07, 2011 06:09 PM
24 comments, last by d000hg 13 years, 6 months ago
Are you a tool bag in real life or do you just play one on the internet? So not everybody likes your brand of comedy, get over it. The great thing about people is opinions vary.
i like taquitos
People with such fragile egos shouldn't work in areas which rely so much on other people's subjective opinions. I don't see why you're so het up, over someone else's performance anyway.

People with such fragile egos shouldn't work in areas which rely so much on other people's subjective opinions. I don't see why you're so het up, over someone else's performance anyway.
this is great material! I can't wait for tonight!!!
You know what I wish? That crap like this wasn't so often on the Recent Threads list...
"I will personally burn everything I've made to the fucking ground if I think I can catch them in the flames."
~ Gabe
"I don't mean to rush you but you are keeping two civilizations waiting!"
~ Cavil, BSG.
"If it's really important to you that other people follow your True Brace Style, it just indicates you're inexperienced. Go find something productive to do."
[size=2]~ Bregma

"Well, you're not alone.

There's a club for people like that. It's called Everybody and we meet at the bar[size=2]."

[size=2]~ [size=1]Antheus

Yeah. oops.

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