
need help deciding on a college

Started by September 05, 2001 05:19 PM
6 comments, last by Revlisld 13 years, 6 months ago
i''m gettin near the time that i''ll need to start applying for colleges but im having trouble deciding which are good choices. my location of preference is California (as i intend to live there eventually), but it''s up for grabs at this time. i''m looking for a career in software/system programming, or possibly starting my own software company. i also have a great art ability (based on feedback), and i have a huge portfolio of graphic designs / layouts / etc saved on CD-ROMS just in case.. anyway, I''m wondering if you guys could give me some colleges that would be good for pursuing a bachelors degree in computer science or anything that will lead me to my dream job . also, possibly list the requirements for entering these kinds of colleges, what kind of background i need, what classes will look good on resume, etc. (i''ve taken classes in vb/c++/AP C++/c++ window programming/web design/graphic communication) and acceled in them all. is that enough? (on top of my other honors science courses, etc). any feedback is welcome
Is there a cloning project going on that I don''t know about?

Anyway, talk to your counselor, let him/her do half the searching for you. That way, you''ll have more time for the chix

When I was in high school, the schools came to us. I don''t know if they do that everywhere though.
Damn, you two have such similar names.

I don''t have any suggestions, but the University of Washington will be switching to Java this winter. You probabaly want C/C++.
I''m currently in my fourth year at UCSB enrolled in the BS for Computer Science. The curriculum is good and the faculty is friendly and always there to help. If you are extremely motivated, as you sound, you can in your later years of your program get onto faculty research projects and things like that. Email me if you would like more information.

Just dont dismiss Santa Barbara as a party school, we have a very well rounded engineering program.

"PC Load Letter, what the F*Ck's that" ~Office Space
Gamasutra is starting a new Education page that lists schools that offer courses in software- and game-related studies. Check it out here.

"Need more eeenput..."
- #5, "Short Circuit"

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

sorry kan, didn''t know someone registered a name like this, heh.
shotoken = fighting style of my fav. characters from Marvel vs. Capcom 2

thx for the feedback guys
I too am a senior this year and am in need of applying to schools...

Anyway, where do you live now? You say you want to live in CA, but where are you now? Depending on your financial situation, you may be able to save a whole lot of money by staying in-state. If money''s not an issue though, then apply away!

UC Berkley''s good, and come to think of it, from what I hear, all the University of California schools are pretty good. Besides Cal Tech, that''s about all I know about California schools. I''m sure there''s some good private schools there too...

Free Speech, Free Sklyarov
Fight the unconstitutional DMCA.

Commander M
[font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Checkout the awesome new game development videos from Nova Scotia, Canada. [/font]
[font="verdana, geneva, lucida,"][size="3"][size=2]HB Studios is located there and a number of great schools offer game development degrees.[/size][/size][/font]

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]See Youtube - search on "Train Game Developer Nova Scotia"[/font]
[font=verdana, geneva, lucida,][/font]
[font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]

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