
reason i love my wife

Started by February 27, 2011 06:09 AM
79 comments, last by klems 13 years, 6 months ago
So the wife and I got a new computer last weekend. It has been 5 years since we got a new one, so the specs seemed off the charts compared to the one we had. We had ubuntu installed on the old one before the hardware died.

So we bring this computer home. I boot it up, its got windows 7. I am thinking to myself, she used windows before and liked it. Always said she needed windows to print out coupons or whatever.

She played resturant city for a few days and commented on how much faster the game plays. I never really got a go on the windows as I didn't want to go through with installing python and all the other programming languages from the websites and stuff.

Then one day. Danny (my wife) says to me.

"Ahh I hate windows. I have to do too much crap just to do something. Install ubuntu."

She was right too. I also hated the start menu, with it being so cluttered. The way I have to download things from websites instead of a repository. The clunky control panel that takes forever to load. Oh and let's not forget all of the shit programs that are included with a walmart bought dell. I was missing the simple, it just works, ubuntu.

And now that ubuntu is up and running. My wife feels at home. And it is running way better then our last computer. I am in heaven ^_^

Now to download wine and directx to play some "back to the future"
So what you're trying to tell us is that you love your wife because she's like 90% of the rest of the population, in that she's incapable of switching to any other interface than the one she's used to using. Maybe that's because you fall into the same category, and realize on an instinctual level that if she were much smarter than you maybe she wouldn't bother sticking around.
Mike Popoloski | Journal | SlimDX
Funny you should mention python

So the wife and I got a new computer last weekend. It has been 5 years since we got a new one, so the specs seemed off the charts compared to the one we had. We had ubuntu installed on the old one before the hardware died.

So we bring this computer home. I boot it up, its got windows 7. I am thinking to myself, she used windows before and liked it. Always said she needed windows to print out coupons or whatever.

She played resturant city for a few days and commented on how much faster the game plays. I never really got a go on the windows as I didn't want to go through with installing python and all the other programming languages from the websites and stuff.

Then one day. Danny (my wife) says to me.

"Ahh I hate windows. I have to do too much crap just to do something. Install ubuntu."

She was right too. I also hated the start menu, with it being so cluttered. The way I have to download things from websites instead of a repository. The clunky control panel that takes forever to load. Oh and let's not forget all of the shit programs that are included with a walmart bought dell. I was missing the simple, it just works, ubuntu.

And now that ubuntu is up and running. My wife feels at home. And it is running way better then our last computer. I am in heaven ^_^

Now to download wine and directx to play some "back to the future"

For me it was the other way around. I was starting to really like Ubuntu because I use it on my work machine, but then Win 7 came out. It looks really good and I really don't like hunting for settings so I love the new search in the start menu. Installing from the repo on Ubuntu is great but the first thing after installing is wondering how do you start the new program :) On Windows you get helpful installers and the start menu shows the most recently installed stuff. But that is my experience with Win7 as a home machine. Doesn't feel so good for developing because the console window is not so good and command line tools are too basic.

But yeah, everyone hates that preinstalled stuff that comes with the computer...

So what you're trying to tell us is that you love your wife because she's like 90% of the rest of the population, in that she's incapable of switching to any other interface than the one she's used to using. Maybe that's because you fall into the same category, and realize on an instinctual level that if she were much smarter than you maybe she wouldn't bother sticking around.

They love each other and they both love Ubuntu and Ubuntu got no problem sharing the love. So let them be and enjoy the joy. Why be a grouch?

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[quote name='Mike.Popoloski' timestamp='1298788020' post='4779551']
So what you're trying to tell us is that you love your wife because she's like 90% of the rest of the population, in that she's incapable of switching to any other interface than the one she's used to using. Maybe that's because you fall into the same category, and realize on an instinctual level that if she were much smarter than you maybe she wouldn't bother sticking around.

They love each other and they both love Ubuntu and Ubuntu got no problem sharing the love. So let them be and enjoy the joy. Why be a grouch?
I think he's still trying to make a point by getting us annoyed that we can't rate him down for a rather asinine post. At least, that's the only thing I can think of for deliberately being a jerk

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

TLDR; Op and wife fail to adapt to new system. Conclude system they know is better. World fails to be surprised by this or impressed by trolling.

Now, where is my down rate butto... oh right...

I think he's still trying to make a point by getting us annoyed that we can't rate him down for a rather asinine post. At least, that's the only thing I can think of for deliberately being a jerk

If that's his plan he seems to be failing rather miserably, considering the number of upvotes he's getting.
I miss the good old days when the lounge consisted of political flamewars, MindWipe's drunk posts and references to the place that does not exist. I also miss being able to inflict horrible internet retribution on people who are being dicks without reason by downrating them.
Wow, when i woke up this morning i only expected like one or two posts. Maybe something like: I like windows, or i like ubuntu too. Not someone who says that my wife and i are dumb-asses and my wife is going to dumb my ass for some stupid reason.

So SORRY for liking my wife's preference of operating systems. And SORRY you can't accept other's people choices even if they are in this 90% over generalized range you speak of.

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