
Reagan Best President?

Started by February 22, 2011 05:13 AM
9 comments, last by way2lazy2care 13 years, 6 months ago
Reagan seems to have done a decent job -- some of his policies didn't prove to be very bright -- escalation of cold-war tensions, the "war on drugs" but we could have done worse. In fact, I think the worst thing that came out of Reagan is that basically every republican since views his economic policy as dogma, more or less (of course, they tend to forget the part where he rightly backed off the "no new taxes" promise in order to keep the country on firm financial footing. go figure.)

Its hard to pick based on policy achievements, as that's obviously going to be tainted by ones own political beliefs -- Therefore I would tend to pick based upon moral achievement and leadership. Among my votes would be Lincoln, Roosevelt and Kennedy.

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Its hard to pick based on policy achievements, as that's obviously going to be tainted by ones own political beliefs -- Therefore I would tend to pick based upon moral achievement and leadership. Among my votes would be Lincoln, Roosevelt and Kennedy.

which one? D:

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