
ARGH!! I have a problem!!! ;)

Started by September 03, 2001 08:50 PM
3 comments, last by TerraX 23 years, 5 months ago
I just can NOT stop coding!!! It''s taking over my life! H E L P M E !!! hehe Other than that guys (and girls???) Could U download my beta OpenGL shoot-em-up, read the small readme file and tell me what you think? Thanks to anyone in advance TerraX You can either download directly at.... or goto my site and take a quick look around at my other projects at...... Yet again, I have to say..... T H A N K S N E H E ! ! ! ! (and everyone who has contributed towards this BRILLIANT site!)
Im downloading your ''DarkSide'' app. as of now. Looks interesting. Im currently working on a oldschool-style shootemup using 3d graphics and effects. Hopefully it will turn out ok. Ill re-reply once I''ve downloaded the app.

Ignore the above where it says.. download directly, ''cause I''ve just found out that my host (angelfire) does not allow direct linking

So You''ll have to goto to download the beta instead

Sorry about that, but I didn''t know

Err, btw, it''s on the first page that you come to (the news page)

Thanks again ,TerraX.
Right there with your comment about not being able to stop programming.. is there anything people cannot do with a programming language (other than visual basic which is not as flexible)?

so many possibilities for programs out there, so little time to do them all..
I see it as your mind is your only limit and even that can be extended by ideas from others who do not have the knowlegde to program themselfs but got good idea''s never the less

in the end it turns out that only the age u reach as person is your limit to being able to program and not the lack of ideas or projects

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