
Just beginning. need help.

Started by September 03, 2001 08:27 PM
12 comments, last by Roger the Shrubber 23 years, 3 months ago
"C Programming in 12 Easy Lessons" by Greg Perry is also a very helpful book.
I find resources on Direct X much easier to find than OGL. This is one reason I reccomend DX to new comers. You should just take a basic tutorial on both, and see what you like.

"I''ve sparred with creatures from the nine hells themselves... I barely plan on breaking a sweat here, today."~Drizzt Do''Urden
------------------------------Put THAT in your smoke and pipe it
I cant agree with Drizzt. There is some of basic stuff out there, but that resource is depleted quickly after you start, and finding a BOOK on Direct3D8 is almost impossible presently (almost meaning that the few that are out need some help). For some decent tuts to start (just to see), go to

But I do agree with the others. When I first started, I jumped right into Windows programming and found myself overwhelmed. I got Ivor Horton''s book Beginning Visual C++ 6 and read the first half of it and stopped before he went into the MFC.

Yeah it was 4 to 6 months of console programs, but it did the trick. All in all, it''s a great beginner''s book. Also recommended is Accelerated C++. Good and not so thick of a beginner''s book. I would spend the first few months at least getting the basics of C++ down. It is essential to have that foundation before you dive into windows and 2D/3D programming. The math alone will get you if you actually try to understand it and not just use it. Good luck.

*Its me (Roger the Shrubber). I just decided to re-register and change my username.*

Thanks guys,

I''ve looked around for books online and I think im probably going to get "Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days" to start off with.

You can bet I''ll be back here soon, though, asking more questions.


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