
Survey: What do you think about the Bible?

Started by February 03, 2011 09:24 PM
229 comments, last by LancerSolurus 13 years, 6 months ago
[font="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"]
Hi there,[/font]
[font="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"]I've put together a survey on what game developers think about the Bible. If you are a game developer of any kind (hobbyist, professional or anywhere in between) then please consider taking a moment to fill it out. It covers four main areas and should only take a few minutes:[/font]

  • The nature of the Bible
  • Interpreting and understanding the Bible
  • The relevance of the Bible today
  • The role of the Bible in knowing God[font="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"]It's all totally anonymous, and you won't be asked to donate all your money at the end :)[/font]
    [font="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"]
    [font="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"][/font][font="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"]Edit: The survey is now closed and the results have been published on my blog.
    [font="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"][/font]

    Thanks very much!

[font="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"]Hi there,[/font]

[font="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"]I've put together a survey on what game developers think about the Bible. If you are a game developer of any kind (hobbyist, professional or anywhere in between) then please consider taking a moment to fill it out. It covers four main areas and should only take a few minutes:[/font]

  • The nature of the Bible
  • Interpreting and understanding the Bible
  • The relevance of the Bible today
  • The role of the Bible in knowing God[font="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"]It's all totally anonymous, and you won't be asked to donate all your money at the end :)[/font]

    [font="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"][/font]

    Thanks very much!

May I ask what you are planning to do with this data?

May I ask what you are planning to do with this data?

this is relevant to my interests.
i cant imagine you will gain any useful information from this survey. Only unjust bias can come from this.

May I ask what you are planning to do with this data?

It is mostly for my own interest, although I may publish some aggregate data on my blog.

I'm developing an Old Testament adventure game myself, and enjoy blogging on related topics. I guess partly I'm trying to figure out who's out there who might even be vaguely interested and what they think, so that I can think about how to reach out and engage with them.

I recognise that a large proportion of game developers probably wouldn't want to take a survey like this, and hence to an extent the results will be biased. But in some respects I'm more interested in figuring out the divergent opinions of the subset of game developers who have even a vague interest in the subject, rather than all game developers as a whole. I just didn't see any reason to limit who I invited to answer the survey, and let people self-select.
You could've condensed that survey into one question
Are you:
Non-practicing christian
Practicing christian
Fundamentalist christian[/quote];)
The vast majority of your questions seem geared towards Christians. As an atheist, I really have no way to answer them meaningfully.

And yes, I have read the bible, numerous times, and am well versed in its contents. I just happen to have very little regard for it or its vaunted contents.

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
[Work - ArenaNet] [Epoch Language] [Scribblings]

The vast majority of your questions seem geared towards Christians. As an atheist, I really have no way to answer them meaningfully.

And yes, I have read the bible, numerous times, and am well versed in its contents. I just happen to have very little regard for it or its vaunted contents.

Kudos to you for reading it before deciding you have little regard for it.

May I ask why you read the Bible numerous times if you have little regard for it?
Just curious cause there would be people in this world who have a high regard for the Bible and yet have read it less times than you.
Your causality is backwards ;-)

I didn't read it despite having a poor opinion of it - I have a poor opinion of it because I've read it.

In any case, it's a largely personal matter, and I'd rather not derail the OP's thread with my tale of woe and such. If you're really interested, why not start a thread or shoot me a PM?

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
[Work - ArenaNet] [Epoch Language] [Scribblings]

May I ask why you read the Bible numerous times if you have little regard for it?
Just curious cause there would be people in this world who have a high regard for the Bible and yet have read it less times than you.

End of the day you need understanding of any subject to hold it in either high or low regard; part of me wonders if those who hold it in high regard would do so if they read it a few more times *chuckles*

I say that having not read it myself, I started once but it didn't hold my intrest. I did attend a church practically every sunday for 10+ years when I was younger before deciding at the core it has some nice philosophy to live by but beyond that nothing much to offer. That said I dare say the same could be said of any religion really.

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