
displaying text help

Started by September 02, 2001 02:20 PM
1 comment, last by dirkduck 23 years, 5 months ago
hello all. Im having a problem with NeHe''s tutorial aout bitmapped fonts. I can compile his code for it and everything just fine, but im trying to take the functions glPrint, glBuildFont, and Killfont from the turorial and put them into a different program based on a different tutorial im working on. I can get it to compile and everything fine, but i cant get it to actually display the text. I put all the cpp files in a zip here (well, its a link to the zip since sphosting wont let me link directly...) so if you could take a look at it and tell me whats wrong, i would greatly appreciate it (ive been working with it all day but cant figure it out). thanks! chris PS: Im using MSVC++ 6 McDougal...DUCK McDougal
Make sure your viewport is setup to the same dimensions as the NeHe tutorial or adjust the calling functions to compensate for the differences.

Also, take a look at glOrtho, as it is particularly useful with text displays.

procedure TMainForm.Animate;
// Set the viewport
glViewport(0, 0, ClientWidth, ClientHeight);

// Update the projection matrix:

// Load current matrix

// Set Ortho Mode
glOrtho(0, ClientWidth, ClientHeight, 0, -1, 1);

// Solid Models


glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
TextFont.Print(1, 15, ''FPS: '');
TextFont.Print(100, 15, ''Polys: '');

hey, thanks for the help, but still no luck.

McDougal...DUCK McDougal

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