This is just an idea ive been throwing around, and most likely won't happen until i improve exponentially with C++. It would be a game like Team Fortress 2, with class based combat, a first person perspective, and class changes available whenever you die. However, it would implement a sort of level up system. Every kill, your character would gain a level, and it would be handled in typical RPG style, with stat points and skill points, possibly a skill tree for each class. When you die, you are reset to level 1 (or possibly only lose 50%-80% of your total level, still deciding on this one). It would be in a typical fantasy setting, with classes such as mage, knight, berserker, etc. Level ups would work either by in game customization, meaning you would have to find a safe place to distribute points (very hard with all the players looking for that one level 10 guy), or you can set up preset customizations. In game customization allows for more adaptation, at the cost of time, and a chance you could be killed. May possibly include a 1 player campaign, although im still trying to think of a way to handle the skills in a long campaign, when they are made for quicker, online combat.
Like i said, its just an idea ive been entertained by, so it will be over 6 months until i can even think about trying to make this, with school and such. Any neat ideas, issues, or criticisms directed at this game are welcome, after all, thats why i posted it. Just working out the design kinks before i start working on it