Original post by swiftcoder Quote:From a technical standpoint it is possible, and in my experience it works, albeit very poorly.
Original post by ms75214
Anyone know if you can install Snow Leopard on VMWare? I want to develop iphone games on my PC.
However, the Mac OS X EULA, last time I checked, explicitly forbids installing it inside a virtual machine. Therefore you do so at your own legal risk, and I really wouldn't recommend selling a game produced in this fashion.
* Note that Mac OS X Server is licensed differently, and that can be installed in a VM. OS X Server is not designed for developing iPhone applications, however.
I know this was true before 10.6 but IIRC this restriction was removed for 10.6?
Anyway wasn't the wording which restricted it, something like [allowed if it has an apple logo on the machine] ?