
Problems with Display-List

Started by August 30, 2001 03:28 PM
0 comments, last by Frank Henry 23 years, 5 months ago
hi again. since the response from my last post "Sprites using Display-Lists" i decided to repost. o.k. i have bitmaps the contain multiple textures i.e. [mask][texture1][texture2]...[texturen] i load it with nehe''s code but with a struct that returns the size in addition to the texture id. then i make the display-list and when i draw it with a bitmap with 2 textures it works o.k. but with any bitmap with more it does not work! what am i doing wrong??? any help is appreciated!!! thanks int LoadSprite(SPRITE_HANDLE &Sprite, char *Filename) { FILE_INFO Info; if (!LoadBMP (Info, Filename)) return false; Sprite.Texture = Info.Texture; Sprite.sizeX = Info.sizeX; Sprite.sizeY = Info.sizeY; Sprite.Number_Of_Images = Sprite.sizeX / Sprite.sizeY; Sprite.List=glGenLists(Sprite.Number_Of_Images); float Size = float (Sprite.sizeY / 20.0); float cx_max = float(1/float(Sprite.Number_Of_Images)); for (int loop=0; loop == 0) SetBlending (true, GL_DST_COLOR,GL_ZERO); else SetBlending (true, GL_ONE,GL_ONE); } glCallList (Sprite.List+Index); glPopAttrib (); SetBlending (false, 0,0); SetDepthTest (true, GL_EQUAL); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glPopMatrix (); } </i>

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