
Company IP Range?

Started by December 23, 2010 02:07 PM
1 comment, last by Nypyren 14 years, 2 months ago
Trying to register at for PS3 Home Dev. Everything checks out fine, have company registered in Ohio. It asks for a "Company IP Range."
Normally I would think that this would be like, but it has a a / and then two more extra spaces. Where do I get this?
I have my own domain name (, registered using GoDaddy. Do I get it from them? Or how do I register my own?

-Also I don't have the option to host my own servers.
So it's not asking for your server, it's asking for where you will be accessing from.

I believe that they need the IP address because they restrict access to their servers for things like SDK downloads. The obvious problem you'd have here is that if you register your server IP address you wouldn't be able to access their SDKs and whatnot from your home/business IP. If you're serious about this I assume you already have a dedicated IP address for your business? If not, start there. (i.e. you need to pay much more money to your internet service provider for one or more static IP addresses)

As for range it's asking for all the IP addresses that you own. If you only own one, then you would enter it: - yyy.zzz

Where yyy.zzz are the same in both fields.

It sounds like they want to let you specify a subnet.

There are 32 possible bits, and the number after the slash mean how many of the bits stay constant.


x.y.z.0/24 means x.y.z.0 through x.y.z.255

x.y.0.0/16 means x.y.0.0 through x.y.255.255

I'm not sure if you'll be allowed to in this case, but a single IP address would theoretically be:


Also, you wouldn't use your 192.168.* address, you'd use your WAN-visible address (the address that gives you).

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