Original post by Alpha_ProgDes Quote:
Original post by owl Quote:
Original post by sooner123 Quote:
Original post by way2lazy2care Quote:
Original post by owl
Very clever! It certainly made me smile quite a lot. :)
EDIT: Joseph should have asked for advice on gdnet when told about the miraculous Mary's pregnancy though.
I would have lolled hard if mary said it wasn't his.
It wasn't his. I don't get why they didn't have her say it for the comedic effect.
Actually it is said that when Joseph knew Mary was pregnant, he didn't buy the fairy tale. He picked up his stuff and was leaving town when Gabriel appeared to him and told him: "Listen dude: believe it or not, she didn't fuck anyone I'm telling you. You see this wings? I am an angel, so you better come back or she'll be screwed and I'll be pissed".
And he'd be the most awesomest angel for saying that too.
Cool, but the way I'm thinking it, it could go down like this:
Gabe: So Joe, turns out you are gonna give birth to a pretty cool male baby!
Joseph: What??
Gabe: What? Man gives birth, woman delivers.
Joseph: My mom gave birth to me!
Gabe: Eh, whatever, no time for semantics right now. Just go and have the baby.
Joseph: But, I can't have babies!
Gabe: It's every man's right to have babies if he wants them!
Joseph: But I don't have a womb, where the fetus is gonna gestate, I'm gonna keep it in a box?
Gabe: We shall fight for your right to have babies brother!
In all seriousness, the problem I personally had with Christianity is that it's basically Hebrew legends and imageries. And the way I saw things, when I got older, is that the church in my country presented it in such an illogical way, like "mary was a virgin before, during, and after she gave birth to Jesus". I was like, WTF? So Jesus was basically a violation of all physical laws and it was somehow a sin for joseph to make love with his wife? And "demonized" people were really demonized and not very depressed or psychologically tortured individuals, like today? And etymologically, "virgin" means "teenager", right? "παρα το σθενος" or something like that.
And then there was Paul who came to Greece prejudiced that we all worshipped "idols", saw that it was mainly art and myths, and while he was pleased, he dropped the bomb: "And you know what, he was resurrected too!". Baby steps, anyone?
Anyway, it's good that some Christians are able to take those videos with humour...