
How to create animation grids

Started by August 28, 2001 06:55 AM
0 comments, last by JAB 23 years, 6 months ago
Hi everyone I would like to know how to create a template in paint shop pro so I can draw animation grids, i.e. how do I put say 16*16 pixels grids next to each other, so I can read and display each one in turn. The function to read and display is not the problem; the problem is the setting out of the animation grids. Thanks very much to anyone who helps me out John.
I can''t remember off the top of my head but I think if you do somethink like:

File->Preferences->General Preferences

there is a tab called some thing like Misc (I think) where you can set the width/height of a grid cell (if it''s not misc try the other tabs). Set these to 16x16 (or whatever) then click OK. I think you then open you image and go something like this:

View->Show Gridlines

Thats probably not correct but I think its close enough for you to work it out


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