
Potential Video Game Characters

Started by December 01, 2010 03:56 PM
21 comments, last by ParkerLad 13 years, 10 months ago
For each cutscene, you could list the objects on scene that the player would see to understand the plot point.


1.) Tenchu descends upon Avian with his shadow army, conquers the nine regions, and takes possession of the feathers.

[Scene] Shadow army trampling over a ruined city
[Scene] In a sacred hall, Shadow soldiers make way for Tenchu to see the feather
[Scene] Tenchu comments that there is only one more feather he needs then he can rule the galaxy
[Scene] An Avion elder tells Tenchu that he will not succeed.
[Scene] Tenchu ignores the elder and leaves, Shadow soldiers kill the elder.

2.) ...

Plot Hole:

In your Plot Point 1, you said Tenchu conquers 9 regions and took the feathers, but in Plot Point 2, you said Blackbird fails to save a feather from Tenchu. So it seems that in Plot Point 1, Tenchu is in the 8th region getting his 8th feather, and in Plot Point 2, he is in the 9th region getting the 9th feather--the one he thought to be the last feather he needs.
Plot hole: Let me see if I can clerify.
i.) The numbers for the regions are arbitrary until I can name any of them.

ii.) Tenchu knows about the Power of Flight, that there are 12 feathers, and 3 of them are with the gaurdians.

iii.) At the start of the game, blackbird ends up at the capital building our something for one reason or another. He notices a shodowy overcast in the sky around the capital building (a segment of tenchu's shadow army). This is happening simultaneously in each of the nine regions. They are destroying security, stealing the feathers, and setting up there own defense of the feather in the region the just conquered.

iv.) im not sure when to make tenchu, himself, appear. He would probably be in Greater Heron getting that feather since that's where blackbird is. You know, protagonist meets antagonist for the first time. Maybe Greater Heron has the toughest security. Im not sure yet.

v.) Blackbird does fail to get the feather in Greater Heron. Up until his feather becomes active, he doesn't know anything about the Power of Flight, the fact he's a guardian, or that there are 12 feathers. His only concern is to save Owlsworth from the Shadow creatures and escape from the building. Owlsworth then explains all of that to him. That's where your quest begins.

vi.) Owlsoworth, the leaders of the other 8 regions, and Tenchu are the only people in the game that know about all of that. Blackbird and the other guardians will come to find out when the time comes in the game.

Hope that helps. Ill start working on cutscenes stuff.
P.S: Tenchu knows that there are 3 guardians, but he doesn't know who they are. So incidentally, he can't find them or the feathers until there feathers are active. The only reason that Tenchu knew that Blackbird was a guardian was because Blackbird showed up to rescue Owlsworth, and Tenchu noticed Blackbird's feather.
well, here i am to place my two cents....
first off, a question....
is this story a bit comical?
i was just wondering because it looks a cartoonish... it just made me think that it could be comical, but at the same time it could also be completely serious...
if your wondering, i think something serious with a bit of comedy would be awesome....
something else. i understand that these feathers are like weapons in the hands of the characters... but is that it? since these characters are seen as "guardians" i was wondering if there would be some type of special attack like a limit break in Final Fantasy that would given a super strike...
something else... it would also be really cool if at the end, these collected feathers allowed the "GUARDIANS" to sort of evolve into a super guardian so that the final fight or some of the boss fights would be more about these super guardians fighting the big bad guy...
also it would be cool if each and every feather collected would give a new weapon to the guardian in possesion of it...
for example: they all have a feather (feathers 1,2 and 3) and you collect feather 4 and give it to (balance, speed or power) one of the main guardians, after that the weapon of that guardian can be upgraded so balance would have a stronger balance, speed would have more speed, and power more power...
and another thing. What if these feather (weapon) switching allowed the guardians to turn into different "SUPER" guardians... that way, each boss battle would be different, not just because of the boss attack style but also because of your character....
its just an idea...
your welcome to take it or dump it...

oh, and i almost forgot to mention some small pointers....
the female character doesnt exactly look very female-ish, just a little bit more on that, thats it...
the big guy just looks like he is a bit too big, maybe a bit shorter with thicker muscles on top AND bottom, maybe some gear to make him look like the exmilitary type.... like a helmet, or some fatigues... nothing too big, and maybe a camo vest? bandana?
and the ENGINEER character looks very cool actually, my favorite bird-like character so far... but i think he need to look a bit more like an actual engineer, for example, give him a nerdy look? or maybe just put some huge googles (like the kind used for soldering) to make it look like he is a real engineer....
and lastly, the bad guy dude, he looks weird in black and white but then in color he looks awesome good job with those two characters...
i was wondering if you would be willing to try different color templates for tenchu... i mean, he looks cool but maybe, just maybe, there is another color that MIGHT make him look a bit cooler? and maybe some red eyes?
anyway, this is all just an opinion, if you take it into consideration then cool, if you dont then thats fine.... good luck with the game... hope it becomes something...
thats in case you like my idea... maybe i can help with a bit more?
ATTENTION ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have returned finally. Sorry I've been gone for so long. I've been studying for MCAT and such; but I have returned for more work on my game and more comments.

NOW, Mr. RONIN, let me tell you my thoughts or your opinions:

1.) Alot of your ideas are exactly what I want my game to be sturctured like. The game, 1st and fore-most, is a serious action game. However, there is comedy to lighten the story and gameplay. It is more animated than realistic.
2.) The feathers that the guardians themselves carry are their weapons. As far as how their special attacks work, I haven't entirely figured that out. I would like to give them a "super strike" as you say. One for each weapon they recieve, and a few for their melee attacks as well. Now, you mentioned each guardian recieving a weapon for each additional feather they recieve. That I'm not sure about. See, I ultimately would want the players to have time to play around with each weapons before the game is over. The way the story is setup, after the guardians get the ninth feather, your already have completed most of the game. After that Tenju- Tenchu is a Typo- steals them, uses the Power of Flight to start taking controll of the universe, and your starting the last mission or two, to save the universe. Well that's why we talk about ideas, rite?
3.) Once again sir, you are dead on with the final boss fight. My idea is for Blackbird and the Team to use the Power of Flight to defeat the final boss, Tenju. For the regular boss fights, I think I might stick to some mix between, attack patterns, puzzle solving, weapons, and character choice. We'll see.
4.) As far each of them becoming more super along the I'm airing on the side of no. Think about the the feathers as choas emeralds. Individually they have great power, and you can use that power for things. But you don't become super until you bring them together. You don't become semi-super along the way. Maybe I can incorporate that into later game ideas, but at least not for the first.
5.) As far as Laura is concerned, I've never been the best female designer. I tried, but that's more or less what I want her to look like interms of over all design. U know, color, features, clothes, etc.
6.) You really think he's too big. I want there to be a noticable size difference between the characters to tip you off to their stengths and weaknesses; even though Laura is the fastest and highest jumper. I wouldn't mind giving Tank a camo vest or ammo strap on his chest or something. No fatigues.
7.) Blackbird is an engineer, but not a nerd. He's a quip dealing character that tries to make lite of every situation; like spider-man. I would consider goggles. Drawing objects is all not a strength in my drawing skills. I you have conceptual ideas, feel free to draw them out and submit them to me.
8.) As far as Tenju goes. I like those colors for him. It kinda fits. But like I said, mess with them and submit them back. As long as you don't go too crazy.
P.S: actually, his eyes are red. Those slits on the humanoid face are his real eyes.
Thanks for the feed back, feel free to send me more. I promise that It won't take me a month to respond next time. I remember my password now.
Hopefully, this will become a video game, but it helps to have help. Thx again.
First of all. Welcome back to the boards. Just read the entire post.

My thoughts and opinions:

The character design for Tank is the right size. Don't change. But you can add one shell belt around his chest from left to lower right. I think that will look decent.

Your gdd : game design document is well under way to become something. I have not played the Jax and Daxter, but I know what that game looks like. What I am saying is, that the game will look great for what your after.

I am hoping that the feather like weapons are used as shields to block and bounce off short, mid range and long distant fired objects. Like Lasers, Steel Arrows, Spears being thrown at the heroes?

Another thought.

The feather like weapons. Will the feathers be unique to the characters in the game?

Blackbird's feather is a Black McCaw Sword
Laura's Feather is a Steel tipped bladed Feather Fan
Tank's Feather is an Exotic Double Edged Feather Sword

Or switch Blackbird's Feather weapon for Tank's Feather weapon?
Or have Tanks Feather weapon be a Tri - Bow Feather Staff? With Balded tips at the ends? That would be a nice weapon for Tank. And have the character weapons match the color of their suits? Hmm. just though which is just an idea. The weapon being used by the character for each level changes colors to match the location and or area or something that has a reverse effect of the enemies you encounter.


Fire location. Weapon becomes white / blue hue for an ice color. This effect does not enhance the characters statistics just the weapon being used that makes the enemies melt or become frozen or slower due to the coldness of the weapon? Maybe to much. Which is okay. Yeah. Don't do that. It would change everything for the character's way of playing and the style. Never mind. Keep the weapons normal. I though I had something there. Lol.

For the sub-bosses if any for obtaining the feathers after the third character has joined the team. I don't think super colossal sub bosses would do the game any justice. To many games now a days are designing large sub bosses and bosses for players to pass. I think it all depends on the genre and storyline that the game represents makes it need a uber sub boss or boss in every part of the game.

I would suggest a mid to large enough creature or beast to handle that it doesn't take away from the style your game is being played.

I think that's all I can come up with for now. But I will add more if needed. Hopes this helps you out in some small way. I enjoyed your ideas. Would like to see it on store shelves some time in the future. :) Good Luck.
Well Mr. Knight, your input has given me some ideas. As oppose to having sub-bosses, I would like there to be a variety of different enemies that you would encounter as you progress through the game. These enemies you would re-encounter these enemies as well. They would range in size, behavior, fighting strategy, etc.

Shield, eh....maybe. Seems alil to star foxy. Maybe though.

Here are the weapon breakdowns for each character: Each weapon double functions as a gun/melee weapon. The feather trasforms from weapon to weapon. Melee weapons never change, they just get more attacks and combos.
Laura specializes in short-range rapid fire weapons (ex. pistols, sub-machine guns). Melee weapon is a pair of beam daggers.
Tank specializes in long-range, heavy artillery (ex. bazookas, grenade launchers). Melee weapon is his fists.
Blackbird specializes in everything in between. Melee weapon is a beam saber.

Thank you for your input. Please write again anytime.

Hello ParkerLad,

Glad to hear from you again. The idea from the Star Fox details never occurred to me. But duly noted. I agree with the way the sub bosses should be. With the recurrence of the sub bosses, will the sub bosses have new movement styles? I am sure this will happen. Oh by the way. I loved your videos on ms paint. very creative. I have done one once but with the movie maker program on the pc as well. I to had added music to it. Then a while after that my computer crashed and I lost the video. My nephew drew up some interesting looking characters that would be great for a zany cartoon. I will be working on that later and the video once again at the end of this year when I am done with my first 10 scripted episodes of my series straight to dvd. But I won't tie up this thread with my hobbies and other mumble jumbo stuff to down rate your post. So that will be it for that.

Just wanted to tell you that its a neat way to draw up characters and edit the way their shown in the movie maker program. Anyways I will be reading your post from time to time to help out with more ideas if you would like that and from everyone else as well.
I don't know if the enemies styles will change. I know they would reappear consistantly. Changing the enemies tactics kinda defeats the purpose of having different enemies. I could make variants of some enemies with different attack patterns adn such. Honestly, I just want to pitch the idea and have the gaming company work out the details and run them by me.

So you make videos do ya? Thats cool. Spielburg, I am not. I hope that works out for you.
Feel free to comment anytime, submit character designs, etc.
Thanks again.
Thanks and it will be my pleasure to help you and everyone out along the way. I am not in any company just a visual artist and a video game, board game and trading card hobbyist by trade as it were. All for fun and learning new ways of writing and designing. I like your ideas but I won't steal them. No need to. To many ideas and concepts of my own to worry about.

So for each variety of your normal enemies, what will they be? Will they be the forest type creatures that birds deal with in a natural environment or robotic creatures that look like the animals of the jungles, forests, tundra, swamps, desert plains, mountain areas? Or a little of in between of natural creature and robotic creature?

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