
Linux Games

Started by October 21, 2010 12:38 PM
7 comments, last by ApochPiQ 13 years, 11 months ago
Does anyone have any idea on how to program games for Linux? If so, please post tips, links, etc...
Thank you.
scientists explain the world with numbers, artists explain the world with images, programmers explain the world with games.
I have a copy of this book. It's a bit too old, but a lot of it is still relevant. You basically use SDL to get access to things like raw input and graphics, you use OpenGL if you want 3D graphics, and one of several options for audio: OSS, ALSA, JACK... I haven't done any Linux audio programming, so I can't recommend one.

That should get you started.
I think PyGame also works on LINUX.

Just like windows. If you are referring to C++, Find a compiler (gcc4.5), find an IDE (Code::Blocks, KDevelop, And/Or CMake), install the relevent sdk (packages with -dev postfix) for the kind of interface to the OS you want (GLUT,SDL,X11,SFML) and write the code.

If you are talking about other languages/toolkits, they are pretty much identical to the way they are on windows (Java and python should work out of the box). Just pick something and go.
If you want t use Java, with hardware accelerated graphics, LWJGL is a good multiplatform OpenGL wrapper :)
I do a bit of linux gamedev (rather cross-os gamedev), for now I use OpenGL for graphics (plus a bit of my own ray tracer), OpenAL for audio is probably best solution, for input/output is probably best SDL (although one can write it twice - X11 and WinAPI, that is maybe a bit better), networking was a bit of hard work for me (I use sockets (with either UDP or TCP protocol) - but just client-server for now), anything else I forgot?

My current blog on programming, linux and stuff -

Been into Linux game programming for years and found that it forces good programming practice. If you don't keep things platform non-specific then you are limiting your audience to an OS that very few people use.
"It's like naming him Asskicker Monstertrucktits O'Ninja" -Khaiy

We have a forum for development on Unix-like OSes; I've moved this thread over there, where hopefully you'll get a bit more info [smile]

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
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