
future tech today - stuff you didn't think might happen in your lifetime 15 years ago

Started by October 05, 2010 09:02 AM
56 comments, last by FableFox 14 years, 4 months ago
Original post by ChurchSkiz
Oh also, maybe not 15 years from now but definitely in my lifetime I expect that there will be very few "sitting desks" for working. Within the next decade people will be discovering how much crippling stress sitting for hours every day does to your body. There will be more standing desks or convertible sit to stand work stations that allow people to do office work while standing up.

that doesn't even begin to make sense. You think standing is more relaxing than sitting? What bars do you go to?!

Original post by capn_midnight
Original post by Oberon_Command
Original post by irreversible
I also had my hopes up we'd have a running fusion reactor by 2010.

We've had a "running fusion reactor" in the form of the Farnsworth–Hirsch Fusor since the 1960s. To be fair, they probably can't produce net power, but the successor of this design, the Polywell fusor, might have a chance. If only they had gotten more funding a few years ago... Now the navy's funding them and they can't talk about their work anymore.

They must need new power plants for their railguns on their warships.

That, and replacing traditional reactors on capital ships.

Original post by RivieraKid
Original post by ChurchSkiz
Oh also, maybe not 15 years from now but definitely in my lifetime I expect that there will be very few "sitting desks" for working. Within the next decade people will be discovering how much crippling stress sitting for hours every day does to your body. There will be more standing desks or convertible sit to stand work stations that allow people to do office work while standing up.

that doesn't even begin to make sense. You think standing is more relaxing than sitting? What bars do you go to?!

Actually the point isn't that you have a work station that you always stand at, but rather a work environment that allows you to move around far more during the work day. Standing for 8+ hours is far worse than sitting for that time, but mixing in 15-30 minute stints of standing between 1-2 hours of sitting is far better than either.
Old Username: Talroth
If your signature on a web forum takes up more space than your average post, then you are doing things wrong.
Original post by irreversible
- we would still have warm bear

Warm bear? You mean like this??

As for technology, I am tremendously disappointed in it. No robot house cleaners (although roomba is a good start, I still have to do everything else), no flying cars (hell I don't even have a car that will drive me home from the pub yet) and I'm still waiting for my goddamn holodeck.

About the only thing that's cool is the fact that I have the internet, plus nearly every album I own in my pocket.

if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight
Original post by RivieraKid
Original post by ChurchSkiz
Oh also, maybe not 15 years from now but definitely in my lifetime I expect that there will be very few "sitting desks" for working. Within the next decade people will be discovering how much crippling stress sitting for hours every day does to your body. There will be more standing desks or convertible sit to stand work stations that allow people to do office work while standing up.

that doesn't even begin to make sense. You think standing is more relaxing than sitting? What bars do you go to?!

It's not for comfort, it's for health. They're just now starting to realize that sitting can actually KILL you.

Sitting is a modern trend. Chairs 100+ years ago were not comfortable enough to sit for long periods of time. Most seats were made of hard wood, or were more like stools or crates. People had no issues with standing or walking for the majority of their day (they had much stronger ab muscles then us desk jockeys). Only in the last 50 years ago have people been CONFINED to chairs. It's really the first time in the history of humans that now a majority of people spend their entire work day sitting down, and many people (myself included) spend a good chunk of our free time there too.

The result is major back pain, muscular atrophy, and it appears that there will be heart consequences too. A study just came out that was really the first of its kind, here is a review: Sitting Kills. What's interesting in the study is that it appeared more harmful to exercise regularly and then sit for prolonged periods of time then to not exercise at all but not be sitting for hours at a time.

edit: Actually this link is better

[Edited by - ChurchSkiz on October 5, 2010 6:06:43 PM]
Original post by ChurchSkiz
The result is major back pain, muscular atrophy, and it appears that there will be heart consequences too

Sounds like bad posture.
Original post by ChurchSkiz
What's interesting in the study is that it appeared more harmful to exercise regularly and then sit for prolonged periods of time then to not exercise at all but not be sitting for hours at a time.

That seems very hard to believe.
From Article
Research is preliminary, but several studies suggest people who spend most of their days sitting are more likely to be fat, have a heart attack or even die.

Sitting around makes you fat. Good to know.

Original post by Sirisian
From Article
Research is preliminary, but several studies suggest people who spend most of their days sitting are more likely to be fat, have a heart attack or even die.

Sitting around makes you fat. Good to know.

Yeah you conveniently left out the second half of that sentence "even if they were slim and exercised regularly"

They studied 17,000 people:

deaths per 10k people for sitting during their workday: almost none of the time, one fourth of the time, half of the time, three fourths of the time, almost all of the time

physically inactive:87, 86, 105, 130, 161
physically active :75, 69, 76, 98, 105

Means that a person who is physically active who sits 3/4 of only his workday is more likely to die then a lard-ass who sits at his desk only 1/4 of his workday.

This is the first study ever done on something like this. Imagine what they'll find in 10 years. Some medical scientists are already hypothesizing that irregardless of posture, the position of sitting puts a strain on your heart.
I never really expected online feeds become what they are now. Just as Tittor described them back then.

Cellphones and it's usage have also topped my expectations.

[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.
i think the most interesting is how much technology around us changed... and yet the way we live dint change a bit

make wonder if either technology is always changing in the ways we cant predict, or that is our way of live that dictates what kind of technology develops
Original post by OrangyTang
Storage never ceases to amaze me. I can remember using the old 5 1/4 floppy disks:

They'd only hold about a meg of data and were pretty unreliable. You could crease them and break them, reading and writing was slow and you had to mess around with bits of sticky tape to make them read only.

Dude, they held 360 kilobytes.

Premium media could be physically turned over for a total of 720 kilobytes.

Making them readonly was simple. It was using the nibbler to make the readonly ones writable that was the challenge.

Still, that's nothing. I still have an old 9-track tape reel and some write rings somewhere. I also came across a deck of punched cards from a second-year university assignment.

25 years ago I didn't expect to be alive by 2010. We all just assumed they'd screw up and drop the bomb. Now we know they're not even that competent: they've screwed up and we can't even get back into space (and no, LEO is not in space) let alone the moon. But we can waste hours listening to each others farts on youtube and creeping people out on facebook. That's progress.

Stephen M. Webb
Professional Free Software Developer

In my defense, I was still a kid 15 years ago, but I never thought:

-I'd be telecommuting to work.
-Games would be playable on so many different platforms.
-Blockbuster Video would become passe.
-Games would become so player-customizable.

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