Original post by Alpha_ProgDes
Do you think 20 to 30 years from now? Touchscreens will be ubiqituous? People will be typing on a e-paper (or cardboard) made to look like a keyboard, while Kinect is actually doing the inputting. Or even Kinect turning your arm to a mouse so you can Minority Report your desktop. Will Wiimote be a standard into pointing devices or input devices?
Though the keyboard and mouse has lasted 40 years as an unbeatable combo, it seems to me that the way we interact with the PC and other computers will change soon. The standard keyboard and mouse as we know it today will meet the same fate as the 8-track or PS/2 connector.
Your thoughts?
I think mouse and keyboard will remain best for a desktop PC. I'm not saying anything about portable devices.
-touch screen on desktop = exhausting for your arms.
-keyboard without actual keys = no tactile typing??!!
-Minority report = weren't they using the device while standing up? And again, exhausting for your arms after long periods of time.
However even on the desktop I can imagine some changes, for example:
-keyboards with built-in screens in every key (already exists now)
-mice that might work more like the Wii controller
-multitouch in the monitor to be used for some short tasks only
-a multitouch screen lying flat on the desktop, next to the tactile keyboard and mouse
-actual useful speech recognition
-brain wave reading :)