I'm looking for feedback concerning game design in general.
You can find some info in our blog. http://lotusdevblog.blogspot.com.
Its in Portuguese, but you can use the little uk flag > to google translate the contents. (not ideal, I know, but we don't have a lot of foreign attention yet)
The game is a PC single player action rpg, but we are trying to design it in a way that we could possibly make an online rpg with it later.
Two small video demos of work in progress:
"> Video 1 -
"> Video 2 -
Obs: I am aware of the poor formatting below. Excuse it for a while, as I have yet to format the text.
Our world focus on 4 nations. Each of them based in a nation/civilization/region on earth. We do not have names for those nations yet, so Ill refer to them as:
Egyptians, Africans, Greeks and Asians.
Each region has 3 basic classes that can be played:
Warrior, Hunter and Shaman.
Warriors are bruteforce melee units, going face to face with death.
Hunters live in the wild, know how to use the nature in their favor.
Shamans are in contact with the other side, communicate with spirits and energies.
Each of the 4 nations also have a particular class.
Egyptian - Cleric
African - Tribal Warrior
Greek - Bard
Asian - Shinobi
The Clerics live among the dead in the pyramids, and hold thousands of years worth of knowledge.
African tribal warriors are human beasts. Tattoos and scars cover their bodies, showing the history of their battles.
The bards hear and live everything that goes on in the cities, even in its darkest places. They are storytellers and men of trade.
The shinobi are a deadly force. Silently taking away lives, leaving nothing behind.
I will add more as time goes on regarding history and classes.
Mechanics, Battle and stuff
Each character will have around 20~ skills acquired by level and quests. Skills will be class specific. They will cost a determined amount of mana points or have another kind of cost, depending on the skill.
Characters will be able to physically attack with the current equipped weapon.
Weapons will be held within a given number of slots, that can be increased, up to five. So the player can switch weapons without having to open the inventory.
Characters will also have a determined amount of stamina, which will be used mostly with physical attacks, to avoid pure button smashing.
There will also be a delay between actions. A minimum delay which may be increased, as a cooldown, for certain skills / attacks.
Thats it for now. I know that there's a lot of poorly formatted info here, but I just tried to say a lot about it, trying to make the idea clear.
Thanks for taking the time reading this stuff.
#Edited several spelling mistakes
[Edited by - arthurviolence on September 18, 2010 12:41:09 PM]