
Please test my game (beta)

Started by August 20, 2001 02:31 PM
3 comments, last by TerraX 23 years, 6 months ago
Please test my work-in-progress!! It's a Side scrolling, space shoot-em-up written using OpenGL (of course!!!) If any of you find any bugs, please post 'em here, thanks Also, any ideas towards gameplay/graphics etc will be much appreciated!!! To download, please click on the logo below.... The download is on the homepage in the top news post A little screenshot here just for you

Edited by - TerraX on August 20, 2001 6:10:29 PM
Wow, smashing game! =) I really liked the graphics and the way the ship moved when I controlled it and all that! :D
I played through the training, but it didnt load next level or anything(?).. or isnt it any other levels? and a couple of monsters would be cool for the game too! anyways it looks promising I tell you!

Kenneth Wilhelmsen
Download my little game project HERE
He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has
been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would fully suffice. This
disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, senseless
brutality, deplorable love-of-country stance, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be a part of so base an action! It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder
hey I have tested your game. It looks quite nice, but as someone said before.. training is completed and nothing more... (also the training level is too long)

With best regards,
Mirek Czerwiñski
With best regards, Mirek Czerwiñski
The number 2 and 3 guns'' bullets go through the asteroids intead of hitting them.
Firstly, thanks for testing my little beta!!!

As mentioned above, it''s a beta.... there is no second level (yet) neither have I added collision detection for the 2 & 3 weapons, but the level too long? Hmmm, thanks MirekCz, I was wondering if it was too long myself so I''ll reduce the length it takes to complete, how long do you guyz think?

kenwi, more monsters will be added Just making the 3d meshes now, but I''m having trouble thinking up *designs* for ''em!

These little beasties will shoot back! woohoo!

I''m also considering adding bosses at the end of each level, of which will have multiple "hit locations" (dunno if that''s the correct terminology

Level design wise, Hmmm, perhaps scrolling across a landscape, although I am not sure how to implement this yet. Perhaps a full-on 3d landscape that scrolls across the bottom of the screen, or perhaps a parallax scrolling method (such as games in StreetFighter2 on the SNES etc)
Any ideas?

I''m also having trouble thinking up weapons
Any ideas? hehe (I''ve asked for lots of ideas so far!!)

So far I have come up with
Single Laser
Double, Triple laser
a more powerfull Laser Beam
Homing Missiles
Orbiter Drone/s = things that fly around ship, provide limited protection and fire too!
Guided Laser Beam = a beam that tracks enemy positions and fires an intense beam at them, but has a slow rate of fire (due to ease of use)

That''s it I need three more weapons!!!

Wingmen *MIGHT* be added, although perhaps they will come in the sequel!

And the love orientated storyline, hehe, we''ll see

So again, to recap.

I need 3 more ideas for weapons!! (please
Is the training level too long?
What sortof options have I got for rendering the landscapes on the planet levels?

Also, I''m glad to see that the people who have downloaded so-far, have had no problems!

Laterz, TerraX

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