
Need Equalizer techonology

Started by August 20, 2001 04:26 AM
3 comments, last by dhoang_huy 23 years, 5 months ago
Hello everybody, I''m learning about multimedia programming. I''d like to know equalizer technology. But I can''t get it out. Please give me a help. Thank you --Huy
to do equalizing, to need to learn a bit of DSP (digital signal processing).
equalizing is performed usually by taking a fast fourier transform (FFT) of a wave signal, which splits it into frequency components. then you amplify or attenuate each frequency to get it equalized the way you want.

I would search the net for FFT, DFT, "fourier transform", etc.

BTW - you don''t have to know how it works... there are some free FFT libraries available (can''t remember where ;-) that you can download and use.


so, what you''''re saying is, that the mushroom spores were brought in from outer space by - who??
--------------------I believe I think, therefor I believe I am
You know, I''d like to know how it work. So where I can find it to learn more. If you know, please let me know. Thank you
Try the music dsp source code archive at There are pages of filter algorithms, so if you don''t really care about how these things work and just want some good sounding algorithms, this should be your first stop.

You should also consider trawling the archives or joining the mailing list.
Thanks for your help. I''ll try it.

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