Original post by Talroth
I've yet to meet a baby that created Any garbage.
Is that baby in an Ikea crib? How much waste was produced making it?
Is it eating baby food? Is it stored in glass, plastic or paper?
Is it clothed? Clothing might be somewhat natural, but the 2 ton oil/hour cargo ship that delivered them isn't.
Does it get bathed? In warm water? How did water boiler come to be? What powers it.
Diapers? And their contents? When those are delivered on landfill - what powers those bulldozers?
But you're right - why kill cows, just get a McD burger.
I've met a lot of parents who create massive amounts of needless garbage to take care of a kid, but rarely does the garbage come from the kid itself.
If that baby did not exist - this garbage would not need to be produced.
Somewhat cynical, but technically accurate. Just as without humans, there would be no garbage as per human definition.
Nature doesn't produce garbage. Notice how in animal kingdom everything is completely recycled. At lowest level there are bacteria. Human-produced garbage is different in that regard. Its recycling rate vastly exceeds human lifespan. Some waste produced is either toxic or will never (or take thousands or millions of years) recycle into anything the rest of ecosystem can use. How long till CPUs change back into something usable by nature? Such as break down into basic elements which can be absorbed by plants.
So even if eventually everything humans produce will revert back to some basic form, the end result is not compatible with rest of ecosystem. We are producing items by converting raw materials into non-usable items.