

Started by September 01, 2010 01:53 AM
28 comments, last by d000hg 14 years, 2 months ago
I come to you with an urgent matter!

My pancake skills are abhorrently low! I must change this using gamedev's distributed knowledge!

How do I make my pancakes easier to flip, and less sticky to the cooking surface?

Do I use "#pragma teflon" or something?
Not a clue, but be sure to toss a few drops of Vanilla Extract, to make your pancakes extra tasty, and (so it seems to me) make that perfect golden crisp easy to attain.

As for stickiness, I generally don't do anything special (and I'm not sure what kind of pan I have), asside from greasing the pan like you would for any breakfast food. Teaspoon of Canola oil or Vegatable oil - use a piece of a paper towel to spread over pan.
So just a really thin layer of oil, spread evenly using some kitchen paper towel?

My main problem I guess is that the top part of the pancake is still too liquid when I try to flip it, but I feel that I have to flip it at that time because the lower half will soon start to burn.

Is using a teflon-based pan a bad thing? Not enough heat transfer maybe?

So many variables!
Are you by any chance putting sugar on the mix?

I usually make them with one egg every 300cm3 of milk (I think), and just a bit of salt.
The pan should be well oiled and very hot at first, but after you fill it with the mix you should cook them with low fire.
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.
Current Recipe:

* 150 grams of flour
* 1 tea spoon of baking powder
* 2 soup spoons of sugar
* 1 bit of salt

* 2 eggs
* 250 ml of milk (quarter-litter)

Mix eggs and milk together. Add the dry ingredients. Mix till we have a smooth paste. Butter the pan.

So instead of buttering the pan I'm going to use a drip of oil, and instead of using a non-adherent pan, I'll use an older one I have.

Any tips on the recipe too?
You can use butter for the pan, it actually gives the pancakes a nicer flavor.

I personally use half the amount of eggs and no sugar. But that's because here we make them thinier and we roll'em up arround the filling (which is usually a jelly made basically of sugar called "Dulce de Leche").

The pan should be very well oiled/buttered and hot when you place the mix on it.
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.
Speaking as a person who has consumed over 5000 pancakes in my life (mainly made myself)
dont use oil, use butter.

Actually a lot of top chefs (with most meals) will tell they use butter to cook in instead of oil

* 150 grams of flour
* 1 tea spoon of baking powder <-- not needed
* 2 soup spoons of sugar
* 1 bit of salt <-- not needed

* 2 eggs <-- only 1's necessary
* 250 ml of milk (quarter-litter)

though I never measure,
just put flour in, with some sugar + an egg + then add as much milk as u want (depending on the thickness of the pancake) beat with a fork.
put butter in pan + pour in.
I literally can have a pancake ready to eat within 3mins :)
Put some oil in the pasta itself.
Too much milk makes it sticky.
Too much eggs makes it easier to tear.
Too "rough" fluor makes it impossible to flip, it just tears, nightmare

(one mug of flour (small "particle" size),+one egg,+cup of milk,+mineral/ordinary water,+one small spoonful of oil, salf, maybe some sugar).

This is the thin and soft Hungarian type, its a bit like the Mexican.

NO OIL in the teflon pan is needed! The oil in the pasta will self lube it. If it starts to be sticky, just add a drop of oil.
The pan should be hot, 5/6 or 6/6 if no eggs and milk (Yup, just flour and water: passover, much easier to flip!)

A good advise for strirring: Its very hard to stir the stuff to be smooth with teh small particle flour. But: make the pasta dense when you stir it: just the flour+egg+milk. Stir it till its smooth, then add the rest of the water.


use a plastic whatever (from now: flipper) to flip the pancakes: make sure it doesnt stick to the pancakes

push the flipper under the edges of the pancake, and move it all along the edge, only a few centimeters deep.

push the plipper under the pancake in a way, so one edge of the fpipper is in the middle of the pancake, the outher edge is outer. You have to push it in a radial directrion, at least about 2/3 of the diameter if the pancake, but its better to push all through, if its long enough.

Simply start to lift the pancake untill it is completely above the pan.

Move it in the air, so that the edge of hanging half is abobe the edbe of the pan.

simply start lower it and lay the half on the pan.

rotate the flipper, so the other half of the pancake will be turned on the pan too.

And do all these things SLOWLY!!!

Sorry, Im on another machine with foreigner keyboard layout, no spellcheck. But since Im a housewife now, I cant resist replying to cooking stuff. And I dont speak english.

If you do the thick American type of pancake, use lower heat.

Start with 5/6, when it starts to be brownish, turn down to 3/6 for 4-5mm thickness, 2/6 for >5mm

Fry it untill the stuff is not liquid.

Flip it, the turn on the heat again (5/6)

[Edited by - szecs on September 1, 2010 6:30:29 AM]
Just a thing for the "slipping the flipper under the pancake" stuff:

if you cant slip it under the pancake, use your hand: lift the pancake, slip the fipper further, lift again with more finfers or zour whole hand.

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