

Started by August 17, 2001 10:39 PM
10 comments, last by MaNiAk 23 years, 6 months ago
Sup all? I jus wanted 2 ask everyone if this sounds like a great idea for a game. Well, ive been working on a top down game, anyway the game would be like counterstrike in that you get money for kills and stuff, xcept you can also build up some skills for spell casting and stuff and your guy will change appearance on what you chose (its gonna be like a tech tree kind of thing for all weapons and spells and stuff), this makes it so there is no set classes, which i believe is cool. (btw... the game of course will be multiplayer only) Now instead of just having terrorests and counter terrorists the map builder will be able to set a whole series of maps to make a whole story, for example when you connect there will be two teams maybe for one "story" called the rebels, who are trying to destroy this biochemical factory that the guards (the other team) are guarding if the guards protect the factory for i dunno, 15 min then the rebels lose and it displays a little cutscene and next thing you know the rebels are trying to fight for their lives in another map with green shit all over the ground (biochemical stuff) and a destroyed city, the guards are now trying to rid of the biochemically infested rebels and the rebels are trying to steal a rare vaccine from the guards. Of course the rebels will still be able to develop as they always could but it would be cool to see a map evolve and peoples goals changed because in the last map the team lost, i think this would create sum pretty interesting gameplay the only problem is this can create thousands of paths probably so the mapper will get pretty pissed, i will have to figure out a way to solve this problem but i just thought i would mention it incase anyone thought it was a good idea or had any thoughts.
1. Make sure that you can play single player mode.
2. Break your sentences up into paragraphs. That way you will get more replies. it is midnight in the US and no one is going to read a solid block of text at this time of night.
3. Add a little more description. What is Counter Strike?

Edited by - DeltaVee on August 18, 2001 1:06:39 AM
D.V.Carpe Diem
It''s only common if you like 1st person shooters.

D.V.Carpe Diem
Alright, now I guess I will actually format my text into a more readable format. (sorry about b4 I kind of felt like asking if the idea was good at the spur of the moment) Well basically the game is a top down view and the character is in the middle of the screen like many space shooters out there. The character will aim towards the mouse pointer, which will be how the player will navigate. Anyway the simalarities of course to counterstrike and is there will be a common goal for the whole team. You will also get credits like counter strike except you can use these to also be able to purchase abilities like cloaking or buy a spell that lets you summon a demon, and of course like counterstrike you can buy weapons to. The abilities and weapons will be in a kind of research tree such as Diablo. Now the unique part about the game that I don''t believe I put enough emphases on before is that there will be a series of maps that emulate a certain co-op kind of play. This gives you and your team a plot and story to keep you glued to helping your team to win the whole game. This means that the single player type gameplay and the multiplayer kill everyone action gameplay will be combined. For example in counter-strike you simply have an objective and if your team fails, oh well. Yet in the game design im talking about it would be a mini game every time you play. Maybe the series of maps that your playing on a server that takes place in a nuclear warzone against mars where you must protect a nuclear silo from being destroyed to win the war against martians. Well, wouldn''t it be interesting to know what happened if your team lost? If all went bad and you lost the war to a terrorist attack? How about if your team won? This is what my game design is all about, if you team loses such a senario where they were to guard a nuclear silo to destroy mars the next map in the cycle will be in a jail on mars and your whole team has to escape. Basically the story wont just end when the match ends, unless of course your team lost totally and the story ends sad for you, which in this case the server will reset the "story". Lets say your team did win, the next map in the cycle will be Earth raiding mars. In this case the Martains would be protecting their home planet for a certain amount of time and if you coundn''t get to a certain spot by that time whole team would lose a match. As all that understand can see is the maps would have to be extremely dynamic and would almost never end the maps would probably have to be generated dynamically unless the story could be practically completely linear (Which seams to be the route im going to take). I hope this made everything sound alot better, I know its alot 2 read but please respond with your thoughts about it.

DeltaVee: What is Counter Strike?

It is a modification for a game called Half-Life. It is completely multiplayer, you make money by killing people or helping out your team and such. Which the way you get weapons is buying more weapons which you can purchase at the beginning of each match. (Each match ends when everyone dies)
Actually, yes, as I said, your idea isn't 100% unique, as there are a few multiplayer games out there that already do that similar to what you said. But anyway, most of those games don't actually have maps that differ that much. Usually it's just certain things in one map affects certain things in the next. Your idea is different being that one map completely affects the whole gameplay of the next, which is a very good idea. It is a very fun type of game play (how what you do in what map affects the next map). However, this type of game would be harder to create since there would be a lot of possibilities that could happen.

Edited by - Midnight Coder on August 18, 2001 2:46:10 AM
I dont know what the word tight means, but I know shooting games suck. And counter strike and half life were probably the two worst games ever made. Play a real game like Diablo or Baldurs Gate.
Anyway, thats just an opinion from a guy who likes to write fantasy books, good luck to you though.

P.S.- Most people who play counter strike have no life. Same thing with unreal tournament and rainbow six. So, your game would be a hit, if you could get the waste-of-life R6ers to download your game.

Sorry if I offended anyone but I meant to.... yes, I didnt mean to say I didnt mean to, I meant to say I meant to.

If you like rainbow six your probably someone who voted for sonic vs mario as the number one movie on newgrounds.

//////////////// I editied this alittle later:
I actually think your idea seems pretty cool if this is how you mean to put it:
While you are inside the game, walking around, you can meet up with a bunch of guys, then go on the mission, and if you want you can leave and go back to walking around again, and then go buy some decent items, and then go back to another mission. Instead of rainbow six you jump into a team vs team with no storyline, thats why I dont like those games.

"He who fights monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you."~Friedrich Nietzsche

Edited by - kaiel090x on August 21, 2001 8:59:34 PM
"He who fights monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you."~Friedrich Nietzsche
kaiel090x, you can't just put a stereotype on a whole group of people just because you like something different. If you don't like shooters, then that's fine, that's your personal preference. But don't go around saying other people are wrong for liking them. I think Half-Life was brilliant, but that's just my opinion, not an actual fact. I don't expect everyone to like the same games as me, and neither should you. Really, I was fine with most of your post except the part that said you had the intent of being offensive. Why would you want to do that?

I'm sorry, MaNiAk, for posting off topic. But anyway, I like your game idea. Are you still reading this topic?

Edited by - Midnight Coder on August 21, 2001 9:24:39 PM
Diablo better than counterstrike? Ew.... yeah right.... well... just your opinion. I generally hate FPS and enjoy RPG''s, but Diablo and Counter-strike (and Deus Ex as an FPS) are the exceptions.

Anyway, I think that this game is a great idea. I don''t see why you NEED a single-player mode. I always thought that games that either focused soley on single-player or soley on multi-player were better.


"Elvis is alive. He is Barney the purple dinosaur. He is the pied piper that leads our children into the wages of sin and eternal damnation."

-Forcaswriteln("Does this actually work?");
Original post by kaiel090x
I dont know what the word tight means, but I know shooting games suck. And counter strike and half life were probably the two worst games ever made. Play a real game like Diablo or Baldurs Gate.

Yeah.... cos Diablo is so much more involving than Half-Life... *smirks*

Sorry if I offended anyone but I meant to.... yes, I didnt mean to say I didnt mean to, I meant to say I meant to.

If you want to offend people, find another website''s forum to post on: not this one.
I am sorry, but I just dont see how with all the school shootings going around, parents blame movies, then go home to watch thier 11 year old son playing rainbow six, counter strike, ect, kiling people left and right, and still wonder why they want to kill people in the real world. At least, in fantasy games, you know its a fantasy.

"He who fights monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you."~Friedrich Nietzsche
"He who fights monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you."~Friedrich Nietzsche

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