
Per Pixel Lighting

Started by August 16, 2001 05:06 PM
6 comments, last by bakery2k1 23 years, 6 months ago
Does anyone know of a good tutorial on per-pixel lighting? The only ones I could find use nVidia register combiners, so they are no use to me (I only have a TNT2). Thanks
Haha. You wont be doing any per pixel lighting on your TNT2, unless it''s of the lightmap kind.

You need at least a geforce, with register combiners.
lol ;-) Actually you really need a GeForce3 to really use the full per-pixel lighting technologies at interactive FPS


Get a clue Mr Velocity
Acually you can do per-pixel lighting on the TNT2, but it''s slow as hell (see, for interactive per pixel lighting, you''d need a Radeon or GeForce2 or 3.

I recomend NOT using register combiners, because only GeForce class hardware supports it, thus no other cards would be able to use it (such as the Kyro(2), and Radeon). You can do this type of lighting with the {EXT/ARB}_texture_env_dot3 extension, which is supported on meny boards (All GeForce, Kyro, and Radeon).
Celeron ][ 566 @ 850256MB PC-100 CAS2 RAMDFI PA-61 Mainboard (250MB memory bandwidth sucks, it should be 500MB)ATI Radeon 32MB DDR LEWindows 98SE
DONT use register combiners?!?! are you an idiot or what?
Original post by Anonymous Poster
DONT use register combiners?!?! are you an idiot or what?

No, I''m someone whose conserned with compatibility.
Celeron ][ 566 @ 850256MB PC-100 CAS2 RAMDFI PA-61 Mainboard (250MB memory bandwidth sucks, it should be 500MB)ATI Radeon 32MB DDR LEWindows 98SE
Anonymous Poster, Using personal insults to make points shows your personal weakness...

Theres no such thing as stupid people... only people with under clocked brains. -dirty

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